The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 442 Give Me Your Cell Phone Number

Chapter 442 Give Me Your Cell Phone Number

Yu Fan has been face-blind since he was a child, so it's hard to explain this feeling, like a different color suddenly appeared in a hazy fog, a different thing.

Yunxi is a monster.

It's not good-looking enough, can it be called a monster?

Being so close, Yu Fan actually got a glimpse of her appearance, even if it was just the dark eyes and blood-stained lips.

This also made Yu Fan feel vaguely happy in his heart.

Apart from e-sports, there is nothing that can make him happy.

Yu Fan retracted the knife, put his injured thumb in his mouth, stared at Yun Xi for a while, and then spoke.

"Let's go, there should be enemies ahead."

His lips were also stained with blood, and he looked a bit coquettish.

Yun Xi wiped the corner of her lips, and accidentally wiped away the ray of red, like a wrong lipstick, more flirtatious than Yu Fan.

The two narrowed their eyes, and there was a demonic aura here.

Yun Xi smiled.

"Why did you compare my mouth with a knife just now?"

Yu Fan also hooked his lips into a smile, staring at Yun Xi's lips, his smile was even prettier.

"I want to see you clearly."

Yun Xi asked.

"Can't you see me?"

Yu Fan pointed to his eyes.

"I am face-blind and can't see people clearly. I have been like this since I was a child."

Yu Fan never told anyone about his face blindness, not even his teammates or his sister, but he didn't know why, so he did so at this moment.

It seemed that he somehow felt that Yun Xi would not laugh at him, and would treat it as a very common thing.

Yun Xi did act naturally, and no one felt "so pitiful", "so regretful", or "what does it have to do with me".

She nodded.

"That's it, don't bleed in the future, I don't like bleeding."

Yu Fan nodded, looking quite well-behaved, Yun Xi took out a band-aid from his white shirt, and Yu Fan wrapped his injured thumb.

Yunxi said again.

"You can't see people clearly, so you don't know me anymore, right?"

Yu Fan stopped putting on the Band-Aid, looked up at her, and didn't speak.

Yun Xi shrugged.

It's normal to be face-blind and not recognize her clearly, but her black card...

Wait until the game is over, otherwise it will be embarrassing for both of them to reveal that she saw Yu Fan almost selling herself.

Yun Xi curled her lips into a smile, and suddenly said to Yu Fan.

"Give me your phone number."

Yu Fan frowned, Yun Xi lowered his head and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, then looked up at him.

"Don't you think that if you wipe the blood on my face, just wipe it casually?"

Yu Fan pursed his lips and told Yunxi his phone number.

After listening to it once, Yun Xi remembered it. After nodding, she stopped mentioning the matter. Instead, she raised her gun, took out a gun from her tactical belt, and threw it at Yu Fan.

Yu Fan took it, then stretched out his hand, Yun Xi gave him a box of ammunition, Yu Fan silently reloaded the gun, and the two continued to kick the door to find someone.

The sound of ion bombs was getting closer and closer, Yun Xi and Yu Fan were standing on one side of the door, Yun Xi cleaned up Yu Fan, and then she kicked the door open!

Nobody shoots inside!
Nothing but the regular rattling of bullets.

There is no one!
There are only a bunch of semi-automatic rifles mounted on the window. Under a simple mechanical device, the trigger is pulled by a rope and makes a clicking sound.

Yu Fan walked over, cut off the upper rope with a knife, and the gun stopped firing.

Yunxi and Yu Fan glanced at each other, and kicked open the doors of all the other houses faster.

All empty!

Yunxi pedaled downstairs and found a motorcycle with a smashed tire downstairs. She stuck a gun point on the motorcycle and shrugged at Yu Fan.

"Looks like he ran away, but..."

She squinted her eyes and looked at the driveway ahead, and raised the corners of her lips coldly.

"However, they can't run for long! Let's go, it's time to narrow the circle for the last time, let's go back first."

That SB team knows how to play, and can make all kinds of equipment, it seems that they are bound to win the championship.

It's a pity that they can only laugh for a while now.

(End of this chapter)

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