I am the white moonlight of my daughter-in-law

Chapter 488 Do you want to change to the name of Dad?

Chapter 488 Do you want to change to the name of Dad?
Fu Jinyan himself is very familiar with this photo, as if he has seen it somewhere, it is definitely not a hallucination.

He took the photo at the back again, and in the framed photo at the back was a photo of Lin Nuanjiu and his sister, in an amusement park, smiling brightly in the sunshine. Underneath, the two of them smiled brightly.

This photo seems to have been secretly taken by someone, so the two of them look exactly like a mother and daughter, and that's how it feels inside.

After Fu Jinyan thought of such a result, his body paused.His back stiffened, and his mind was full of muddy thoughts.

Knowing that, he remembered, and knew why his sister seemed to be alone, and who she looked like, obviously she looked like his daughter-in-law.

He knew where he had seen it before. The last time his wife was taking a shower in the bathroom, he went to open Lin Nuanjiu's phone, and saw that his sister was in the screen saver of his phone.

At that time, he didn't take it seriously and thought it was a photo of his daughter-in-law when she was a child, because it was really a miniature version of Lin Nuanjiu with very similar features.

But now she looks like her younger sister, she is exactly the same, with a pot head like this, and a watermelon head with a very old-fashioned hairstyle, which is very cute on the younger sister's face.

Fu Jinyan remembered, and found that his hands were shaking after such a terrible result.

There is nothing wrong with my sister being his daughter-in-law's daughter. If it wasn't his daughter-in-law's daughter, why would she use it as a screensaver?

Fu Jinyan's heart became more and more excited, and he was basically sure that this was the truth. At this time, his sister happened to walk beside him.

The younger sister's height is very small, even if she stands with him, she can't stand as high as his thigh, she can only reach one-third of his thigh.

At this time, my sister saw him holding his own photo, so she asked him curiously: "Fu Yanyan. Why are you taking the photo of Meimei?"

Fu Jinyan squatted down, and then half-kneeled on the ground with one leg, so that he could barely stand at the same height as his sister, but he was still much taller than her.

He touched his sister's hair, the child's hair is very soft, the sister's hair should be from Lin Nuanjiu during pregnancy, it is very nutritious, if he drank too much black sesame or something like that, all the sister's hair is special Black and bright.

Fu Jinyan touched his younger sister's head, and suddenly rolled his Adam's apple and swallowed, but he couldn't calm down, his current mood.

His hands were very gentle, very slow, and treated very carefully, like touching a porcelain doll. He was afraid that his operation would hurt his sister, so he stroked her hair very slowly and looked at this face. He became more and more like his daughter-in-law, and felt more uneasy.

Fu Jinyan's Adam's apple rolled again, and then he uttered a few syllables with difficulty and said to his sister: "Sister, can you call me Dad?"

The younger sister asked in confusion: "Why? You are not Dad, you are Fu Yanyan."

Fu Jinyan hurriedly explained clearly: "No, I'm not Fu Yanyan, I'm your father."

The younger sister asked again with a confused face: "Fu Yanyan, are you going to change your name? Are you going to change to Dad's name?"

Fu Jinyan: "..."

It was because he insisted too much. After all, the child has never had a father since he was a child, and his knowledge of his father is still very weak, so he doesn't know what a father is at all.

(End of this chapter)

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