I am the white moonlight of my daughter-in-law

Chapter 415 The fire is all over the north and south of the river

Chapter 415 The fire is all over the north and south of the river

But it was stable, he was handcuffed behind him, there was no way to escape, the key was that he was not wearing any clothes now.

Fu Jinsheng suddenly stopped loudly: "Can I have a request? Can I put on my clothes? I suddenly feel a little cold. I'm afraid I'll catch a cold later."

The police chief didn't even think about it, and directly refused, "What kind of clothes are you wearing? It's just on your body, it's more formal."

Fu Jinsheng: "..."

Now that Qu Jiumeng knew that he couldn't escape, he silently took the McDonald's hood and put it on for himself.

It's so embarrassing to know that when you meet her, there must be nothing good for such an embarrassing thing to happen. I really want to die.

Qu Jiumeng now just hopes that her face will not be seen by many people, and if she sees it, she really can't wash it clearly.

Fu Jinsheng didn't even wear his clothes, and was dragged out by the police just like that.

He wants to cry but has no tears.

Although he felt that his figure was really good, but being dragged away so blatantly was a bit embarrassing...


This time the police's anti-pornography operation was a bit serious, so the journalists who contacted several companies came and stayed at the door.Record everyone they catch.

Fu Jinsheng followed Qu Jiumeng shamelessly.

The lesson of this time is to tell them that their ID cards must be carried with them in the future, and they will buy something like a school card in the future, and then have that strap, which will be hooked around their necks all day long.

The two of them walked peacefully with the McDonald's breakfast at first, but for some reason, someone behind them accidentally stepped on Fu Jinsheng's foot.

Fu Jinsheng didn't know what was wrong, so he stepped on the front one.

"Ah——" Qu Jiumeng was tripped suddenly, and the question leaned forward, thinking that there was someone in front of him, but there was no one in front of him.She fell and fell directly to the ground, which caused Fu Jinsheng behind to also fall to the ground together. After the two of them fell to the ground in unison, the hood fell off their faces. The face is revealed.

Alas, after the two people's hoods fell off, those reporters saw the right opportunity. At such a critical moment, they held the cameras in unison, exposed the light, and shot it on their faces.

Fu Jinsheng and Qu Jiumeng were photographed by all the reporters showing their faces. This is connected to the TV, and they will definitely broadcast it on TV.

They realized that they had no choice but to cover their faces, and their faces were completely photographed! !

Qu Jiumeng covered her face all the time, "Ahhh! Stop taking pictures! Stop taking pictures of me!"

Fu Jinsheng felt that girls' face and reputation were really important, so he ruined it.

His first reaction was to directly block Qu Jiumeng and hide her in his arms.

As a result, the situation of the two of them was also photographed by the reporter.

Qu Jiumeng felt that he was able to be in this situation all thanks to him. When he saw his face enlarged in front of him, he couldn't hold back and kicked him directly in the face, "Fu Jinsheng , fuck me to death!"


Fu Jinsheng uttered an angry coax like killing a pig, and fell to the ground with heavy shoe prints on his face, which looked particularly beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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