Chapter 673
Long Aohan's expression was still very calm: "Let's go back and talk about some things."

"It can't be said here, they don't understand."

Her voice suddenly became louder, and a maid seemed a little embarrassed to stand up: "Second Madam, we all speak Central Plains dialect."

Although this Central Plains dialect is lame, he can understand every word and every sentence.

Lan Yi seemed to realize that he just lost his composure, wiped away tears, looked at Long Aohan's cold face, and softened his tone: "I'm sorry, Aohan."

There was a sound of footsteps at the stairs, a man came in, first saluted Long Aohan, then chattered to Meng Baiyun and the others, Meng Baiyun didn't understand, but he understood when everyone followed that man out, probably calling them.

After walking a few steps, Long Aohan stood up: "Leave a few, don't you want to invite me to drink and eat, do you want me to be self-sufficient?"

The man hurried forward, nodded and bowed: "General, I'm sorry, the second prince wants everyone to go down and gather."

Long Aohan acted as if he didn't hear it, and pointed casually: "The last three, stay here, and tell you that the second prince, a native of the Central Plains, does not have such impolite hospitality, if he still wants to talk to me at the wine table Things, it's best to get back to the wine table quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes."

That person didn't dare to neglect his disobedient appearance, and took away all but those three, and Meng Baiyun happened to be one of these three.

As soon as she raised her head and met Long Aohan's eyes, there was a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth, she suddenly understood.

It turned out that he recognized it and helped her.

She gave him a supercilious look, knowing that the old lady was there, and hugged Lan Yi.

Quietly "serving" at the side, Long Aohan didn't really order them.

After waiting for a while, the second prince who went down came up again. It was different from the hidden knife in his smile just now, and the leisurely teasing. He looked a little pained now. It seemed that he took the third prince seriously.

As soon as he sat down, he stopped talking and went straight to the point: "Long Aohan, I wanted to give you a big gift for family reunion today, but I didn't expect your eldest wife to kill my third brother. In this way, if you let me see blood, I will also let you see blood. But they say that everything is negotiable, your mother is in my hands, and now I want you to sign this thing."

A silk book was thrown over.

Long Aohan took a look, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, as if the role was changed, and now the lazy and leisurely person has become him: "Second Prince, it is good for young people to have ambitions, but everyone's ambitions must be Only within the range of my own ability can I use my hands and feet better, if it exceeds..."

He threw the silk scroll over, "Then you are overthinking yourself."

The second prince seemed impatient: "It seems that your mother's life is really not important to you. I can tell you the truth, I have already invited your eldest lady. This is her property."

A pile of clothes and jewelry was thrown in front of Long Aohan.

Long Aohan didn't change his face: "It's hers, so what?"

Long Aohan's expression and answer were obviously beyond the other party's expectation.

"You don't care about her life."

"I don't care."

Meng Baiyun stood behind Long Aohan, as if killing him.

But now I find it even more interesting in my heart, the young second prince suddenly doesn't realize that he is being played in the hands of others.

Thinking that he has a wonderful weapon to restrain Long Aohan, he may have inquired about the deep relationship between Long Aohan and her before he dared to use her to threaten Long Aohan.

It's just that he doesn't know that the so-called eldest lady who is now in his hands is just a few steps away from him.

"Okay, since General Long doesn't care, then I'll have someone send Da Furen's head to add a little red color to our meal, come here."

"Yes, Second Prince."

"Kill the woman in the firewood room, put her head on a food plate, and bring it up."

"Yes, Second Prince."

The second prince kept staring closely at Long Aohan's expression, but there was almost no expression on that face, extremely calm, calmly said that the life and death of his married wife seemed to have nothing to do with him.

No, the spy he sent to investigate clearly saw it with his own eyes, they were very affectionate in Longjia Villa, and Meng Baiyun's neck was often covered with Long Aohan's hickey marks, and the people in Chang'an City would randomly grab a Everyone knows about Long Aohan and Meng Baiyun, and they all say that their husband and wife are loving and affectionate.

Why did it happen in the first place?
Is Long Aohan putting on airs, thinking he dare not?
"General Long, you can still consider it now. As long as I ring this handbell, the downstairs will stop. You can only choose one for your wife's life or for your loyal minister to the emperor. Or..."

It seemed that he was afraid that Long Aohan would choose the former, so he raised his stake, "I can give you a third choice, as long as you sign this silk book, we will each share half of the treasure, General Long, that is yours for the rest of your life." Inexhaustible glory and wealth, the emperor trusts you so much, as long as you say that the treasure is swallowed by the desert and can't be found at all, he will not doubt anything."

"In addition to the treasure, I also want the throne."

Long Aohan opened his mouth almost like a lion, with an ambitious look.

The other party was still immature after all, he didn't see his teasing and provocation at all, and immediately jumped up: "Don't think about it, you think that if you become the king of Loulan, the emperor will not notice anything, can you sit in that position with your life?"

"You are wrong. What I mean is that if I want the throne, I also want the treasure. If I send the treasure back to Chang'an City, it will be a great achievement. The mere Loulan is the 36 countries of Xifan, and the emperor will give it to me."

"You, Long Aohan, you are overthinking yourself. My army has already defended your small army. If you don't cooperate today, you will be wanted to leave here. Your two wives, your mother, will be buried with you .”

"Oh, really?"

He raised his eyebrows and chuckled, very contemptuously, the young man in front of him seemed to feel the deep humiliation in this look, and flew into a rage: "Long Aohan, if you don't believe it, fine, let me show you what your mother is How did you die, come, bring someone up."

Soon, an old lady was pushed up, and Meng Baiyun laughed when she saw it.

Lan Yi was also a little surprised, but Long Aohan didn't seem surprised at all.

The second prince took the dagger and walked up to the old man: "I will let your mother go now, and let your mother's blood go."

Put away, the knife fell, but the pale-haired old man in front of him held his wrist firmly, unable to move.

He resisted in a panic, but he was helpless. As soon as the old man pushed him away, he fell to the ground.

Long Aohan stretched out his hand, and the palm of his hand seemed to have suction, and the slender neck of the young man who fell on the ground fell into his palm.

"Your Uncle Wang's contacts and support in the court are far higher than yours. We reached an agreement long before you. He will return the treasure and the emperor will help him ascend the throne."

(End of this chapter)

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