Madam not allowed to remarry

Chapter 665 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 665 Remaining life after catastrophe
The night wind was so cold, but he couldn't feel anything when it blew on his body.

The smiling face was also blown away in the wind, and no one said anything, just walking forward.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Lights."

Meng Baiyun also discovered that there were actually lights in the deserted desert.

"Madam, lights, someone, someone."

"Be careful, I'll go take a look and take care of them."

"Ma'am, I will go with you."

"No, don't move here."

"But ma'am..."

"This is an order."

The chapped and dry face in front of him was devastated by the yellow sand, but the pair of star pupils on the face were extraordinarily clear and bright, carrying an irresistible majesty.

This kind of majesty is not a strong oppression, but a kind of obedience that makes people respect from the heart.

"The lady be careful."


Meng Baiyun stepped on the moonlight and approached the fire, with vigilance. 
Her appearance, like a ghost, frightened a group of young people who were warming up.

"who are you?"

Several young men and women jumped up and leaned together. The person who asked the question was holding a dagger in his hand, but his hands were shaking. Looking at his thin skin and tender flesh, white face and blue eyes, and a gorgeous attire, he should be from a noble family.

Meng Baiyun's voice was a little hoarse: "Don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions, I just got lost in this desert, can you give me some water?"

There were a few sheepskin baskets on the ground, bulging, and her throat became dry, itchy and stinging watching the water.

It's still polite to ask, and if they say no, she'll grab it.

At this time, life and death are at stake, so what's the point of morality, let alone she has a bunch of brothers.

The man holding the dagger seemed to be sure that this was just a weak woman, so he let go of his vigilance, but looked at the wind and sand on her face, curious: "Drink, where did you come from?"

"I came from Weihuliang."

"Where did you come from, where is your camel?"

"I came over."

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. The boys and girls all surrounded her, full of admiration for her: "You walked here from Weihuliang, did you really come here?"

"Can my brothers drink water too?"

She didn't answer, her eyes were sincere.

Those people seemed a little scared: "You are not alone."


After hesitating for a while, one of them nodded: "Okay, but, but we are only here for camping. If you want money, we have some. Don't hurt our lives."

Obviously, they felt that even if they answered or not, if the other party was really a bad person, they would not be able to escape, so they could only speak politely and leave a way out for themselves.

Meng Baiyun stood up, picked up a torch, and shook it towards the distance. Soon, a group of people walked in from a distance. Several tall and burly men, with black eyes like women's, were covered with smudges. The yellow sand and dirt, and the dark skin, if it wasn't for the firelight, one would think it was a wild beast in the desert.

"Brothers, drink water, I ask them for it."

Meng Baiyun threw a few bags in the past, everyone took the water bottle, but they didn't drink it themselves, but put down the brothers in the carriage, poured it for a while, and then raised their heads and drank a lot. The girls blushed a little.

After drinking, everyone sat down around the campfire.

For the sleepy brothers, Meng Baiyun also asked each other for a tent and sent them to sleep.

She was wearing a girl's overcoat, which was kindly given to her by the other party seeing that she was dressed in a modest way.

Those young men and women, on the one hand, were a little afraid and guarded against them, but on the other hand, they were very curious and enthusiastic.

And gave them food.

Everyone ate a lot of meat and drank water. They thought they would die in the desert, but an "oasis" appeared in front of them. After the catastrophe, the feelings between everyone were even more behind.

All the lean meat was removed and sent to Meng Baiyun. Actually, Meng Baiyun couldn't eat that much, and her stomach felt very uncomfortable. Ever since she drank the camel's blood, the sticky feeling always stabbed her throat and taste buds.

After drinking a little cold water, I ate some meat with the cold water, and finally barely satiated my hunger.

Those boys and girls were chattering, and Meng Baiyun realized something when he recovered: "You speak the Central Plains dialect."

Those boys and girls smiled: "Yes, not all Loulan people speak Western Region dialect, and some places speak Central Plains dialect. In our small town, we can speak both languages. Our family is a businessman and often does business with Central Plains people, so We grew up together and spoke more of the Central Plains dialect, are you from the Central Plains?”

Although the face was so obsessed by the wind and sand that they couldn't tell if it had anything to do with it, their eyes were pitch black. This color, like black mercury, was the biggest symbol of the Central Plains people.

Meng Baiyun nodded: "Yes."

"There are so many of you, did you get here with just a group of camels?"

"No, something happened on the road and the camel team was lost."

"Are you going to Chucks?"

"Is Chucks in front?"

"Yeah, even if you don't meet us, you'll still be there a few miles away. We're out camping, camping in the desert, having barbecues and drinking wine. We do this every few days. Are you businessmen?"


The boy who pointed the dagger at Meng Baiyun just now seemed to be the most courageous: "Are you desert robbers?"

The atmosphere was a little tense, waiting for an answer.

Afterwards, the Central Plains men and women on the opposite side laughed boldly: "Hahahaha, hahahaha, robbers."

Who would have thought that one day they would be reduced to the point where they would be considered desert robbers.

"Laugh, what are you laughing at?"

The person who asked the question was a little embarrassed.

Meng Baiyun stopped to laugh, the strong mental pressure he had suffered in the desert these days seemed to disappear at this moment, and even the discomfort in his stomach felt a little better.


But a group of little hairy kids thought they were robbers.

Oh, life is full of surprises.

Before today, she broke the boat and thought that she might be buried in the desert. Who would have thought that tonight, she would be able to eat meat, drink water, and chat with a group of little kids here.

The subsequent conversation, after Meng Baiyun made it clear that he was not a robber, became extremely relaxed.

The children tirelessly pestered them to ask about the world of the Central Plains and what happened to them along the way.

She also asked some questions about Long Aohan's army. The children said they didn't know about these things, but they would know when they entered the city and asked the people in the city. 
After that, they continued to pester Meng Baiyun to listen to the outside world.

Meng Baiyun has seen from the map that this small town is very remote, separated from the outside world by a huge desert, and the people here rarely go out except businessmen, so these children are so strange to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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