Taishang asks longevity

Chapter 686 Bonfire Party

Chapter 686 Bonfire Party
Night is coming soon.

In the forest, it became more and more quiet.

The resort area was brightly lit, and the tourists in the tour group gathered by the river to participate in the bonfire party.

The tour guide Asolang seemed extremely excited, and many tourists were also very happy.

After all, such an event may seem monotonous, but it is very rare for people from these cities.

Everyone sang and danced, and soon became one with each other, playing and playing again and again.

Li Changsheng didn't seem to be interested in such an atmosphere at all. Although he was there, he sat quietly by the side, watching the big guys play.

Du Bishu, although he suffered a severe setback in his life before, is extremely cheerful. In this short period of time, he has made several friends.

The night became more and more quiet.

It seems to be a bit out of place with all the hilarity here.

In the mountains, after nightfall, it tends to become a little gloomy, coupled with the humid air, the mountain wind blows, and it becomes a bit gloomy and cold.

After ten o'clock in the evening, many lights in the resort gradually went out.

A group of people sat around the campfire, tired of playing, rested, ate and chatted.

As a child born in the mountains, the tour guide Asolang is naturally very familiar with everything in the mountains, so he began to tell some old stories.

"When I was young, I heard from an old man that some villagers in the mountains knew the 'forbidden technique'. This 'forbidden technique' is very strange. At night... people who practice this technique can turn into various strange animals and come out. Looking for food, once we meet a lonely person in the mountains, we will pounce on and eat that person...so at night, we will all hide at home obediently and dare not go out."

"Pfft..." Che Lu smiled, and said, "This kind of story is often used by the old people in the mountains to fool children. Tour guides...you are old now, so you can tell the truth from the fake."

There was a hint of embarrassment on the face of the tour guide Asolan, and he said: "Yes, yes... What you said is indeed reasonable... But... There are really people who practice this strange technique... "

Seeing the serious look of the tour guide, many people immediately became interested.

Everyone listens to it as a story, and doesn't care whether it is true or false.

Li Changsheng frowned slightly, as if he was also interested, and looked at the tour guide Asolang.

Asolan looked up at the sky, as if he was recalling, and said slowly: "I remember when I was young, once, near dusk, I went out to play with some friends from the village... in the mountains, walking, I got lost, and my friends didn't know where I went...I was young and impatient...I cried out, looking for my friends while crying...Walking and walking...I saw a small wooden house, the house Inside, there was a dim candlelight... I was... overjoyed... hurriedly walked towards the house..."

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene became quiet. It may be that at night, it became more and more weird. Everyone was tired from playing and had no energy to raise the bar.

Although Che Lu had a disdainful expression on her face, she leaned on her fiancé Fang Peng's shoulder and listened to the tour guide's story.

"I saw the cabin... I was very happy, so I stopped crying and walked to the door of the cabin. I wanted to knock on the door...but vaguely, it seemed that I heard a strange biting sound from inside the cabin. The sound... That sound was very ear-piercing in the quiet night... So, I resisted the knock on the door, and looked in through the crack of the door..."

"Among the dim lights, the inside of the wooden house looked very eerie... I saw a stream of blood on the floor of the wooden house... a monster with a tiger's head and a human body was eating a corpse... The corpse had already rotted It's unbearable... it's covered with mud, it's like... it's like... it's been dug out from a grave..."

Speaking of this, the voice of the tour guide Asolan seemed to be unconsciously lowered a lot, as if he was afraid of being heard by strange creatures in the dark, and a frightened expression flashed in his eyes.

Recalling the scene he saw when he was a child, even though it has been a long time... But there still seems to be some shadows in his heart.

Among the tourists, some timid girls couldn't help shrinking their bodies, and leaned closely with their friends.

Li Changsheng took a deep breath and seemed to understand something, but he kept his eyes on the tour guide Asolang.

"I panicked, turned around and ran away... At that moment, my movement seemed to be a lot louder, and I suddenly attracted the attention of that monster in the wooden house, and he discovered it... I didn't dare to turn back, and kept running , I only heard the sound of the door of the wooden house being opened behind me, the creaking sound, I could hear it clearly in the dark... So I was very scared and ran with all my strength..."

Speaking of this, the tour guide Asolang suddenly stopped.

"and after?"

Among the tourists, Niu Liangliang, the friend of the young man wearing a peaked cap, couldn't help widening his eyes and asked curiously.

The tour guide Asolang seemed to be calming down his inner emotions, and after exhaling a long breath, he said: "Later... I heard my father calling me from the mountain... Then I saw The people in the village...it turned out that after I got lost, my friends couldn't find me, so they ran back to the village...so that night, all the villagers in the village came out to look for me..."

"Father scolded me severely, but there was nothing... I looked back... But I couldn't see any strange shadows behind me... Back home... I told what I encountered, I whispered to my parents, but they... didn't believe it, thinking that I was afraid of being punished, so I made up a lie..."

Having said that, the tour guide Asolan ended his story.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mencius Jian, a young man wearing a peaked cap, quickly asked, "Tour guide, are you sure that you really read correctly?"

"I'm sure I'm not mistaken... It's indeed a monster with a tiger's head and a human body... eating a rotting corpse..." The tour guide Asolang said, looking at Meng Zijian with lingering fear.

Du Bishu also scratched his head, looked at Li Changsheng at the side, and subconsciously asked, "Brother Li, do you know what the tour guide said?"

After hearing this, Li Changsheng smiled coldly and said, "Forbidden ghosts!"

"Forbidden ghosts?"

As soon as he spoke, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience. Even the tour guide's gaze suddenly turned towards Li Changsheng.

"There are only two possibilities for a tiger head and a human body. One is a tiger demon who has been cultivated into a spirit, but...the monster is much more capable. It doesn't eat dead people, let alone rotting corpses...then, there is only another one. Maybe it's the monster with the tiger head and human body, which was transformed from forbidden ghosts..."

Li Changsheng said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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