Taishang asks longevity

Chapter 484 Sleeping

Chapter 484 Sleeping
God Master Arman came here from the west, didn't even burp, and within a day, he was wiped out in front of tens of thousands of people.

If so many people hadn't witnessed such a thing with their own eyes, no one would believe it even if it was told.

There were tens of thousands of people in the audience, you looked at me, I looked at you, and my jaw almost fell to the ground in shock.

I just feel that the wind in the morning makes people feel cool.

Not long after, the news spread, and there was an uproar again.

The Gemini God Master, who was clamoring to help the Undead God Master find the way yesterday, has no news at once, and even suddenly became timid.

People have speculated that the lineage of the descending head master is afraid that nowadays, apart from the immortal master, only the Yin god master can compete with Li Changsheng.

Some even suspected that Master Hu was also killed by Li Changsheng.If this is the case, I am afraid that Li Changsheng's strength is not inferior to that of the immortal master.

The gods of Tian Po Sect were completely silent this time.

Originally subject to the head of the Tian Po Sect, there were still a few gods in the sect, who were a little dissatisfied with Li Changsheng, but now they learned that Master Arman had been beheaded, and they were dumbfounded.

"Hey... have you heard about it? Arman God Master... just disappeared..."

Inside the food stall, a lot of people drinking tea and chatting have already gathered, discussing one after another.

"I knew about this a long time ago. I was among the crowd early this morning."

"God Master Arman shouted, so he was quite domineering. I never thought... In less than a moment, he didn't even leave a shadow."

In the crowd, the four of Tang Qing'er looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.

When they heard the news this morning, they still couldn't believe it. They didn't expect that when they went to the street, people were talking about it everywhere, so they couldn't help but not believe it.

This man who followed them to Nanyang by plane took only half a month, and now his reputation shocked the whole Nanyang, it was simply terrifying.

"You tell me, when did this battle between the Immortal God Master and Li Changsheng take place?"

"When? At noon tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow noon?"

"That's right, Luluo Jinding... that's the territory of the Tianpomen..."

When everyone heard the news, they were shocked for a moment, and they were amazed.


On this side, Li Changsheng was very leisurely, and slept until noon.

When he woke up, he went out of the room, only to see Pantuoluo and Jiang Chen looking at him blankly.

"What are you doing?" Li Changsheng frowned slightly and said.

Fat Tuo Luo's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Mr. Li, someone just came to pass the news that someone invited you to the Tian Po Gate."

"Tian Po Sect?" Li Changsheng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Didn't the Tian Po Sect not interfere with this matter?"

"Then how do I know?" Fat Tuolo said with a sad face, "I don't know how many people you have offended, Mr. Li...Now they invite you to the main helm of Tianpomen, you should be more careful. "

Li Changsheng nodded and said, "In that case, let's go. Which of you will go with me?"

Pang Tuoluo and Jiang Chen looked at me and I looked at you, both startled.

Go with Li Changsheng to the chief helm of Tianpomen?

This is not a joke, maybe, my life will be lost there.

Li Changsheng is capable, if he wants to escape, he probably still has some hope, but Fat Tuola and Jiang Chen probably won't even have a chance to come out.

"Mr. Li, I'll go with you."

Jiang Chen stood up and said, "Since Director Lin asked me to follow you, I will follow you. I will go with you."

"Okay." Li Changsheng smiled lightly after listening.

Fat Tuola looked complicated, looked at Li Changsheng, then at Jiang Chen, seemed to have made up his mind suddenly, stood up too, and said, "I'll go too."

"Hahaha... so loyal." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

The three of them left the residence, hailed a taxi, and headed towards the main rudder of Tian Pomen.

Speaking of the main rudder of Tianpomen, it is a temple covering a very wide area.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "Little Palace".

Entering the gate of the temple, from the front, straight into the inside, you can see the open square again, with tall temples in all directions, enshrining the corresponding gods.

In the apse of Tianpomen, there is a "House of Gathering Gods". The gods enshrined in it are all powerful people in the current Tianpomen sect. There are a total of [-] great gods. Majestic and domineering.

In this place, only the front hall is open on weekdays for tourists and believers to worship incense, while the middle hall and back hall are closed.

In Nanyang, Tian Po sect belongs to the state religion and has a high status, so its own prestige cannot be compared with other small sects.

The three of Li Changsheng got out of the taxi, and as soon as they entered the gate of the Tianpomen Temple, someone went to inform the people inside.

Today's Li Changsheng, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a public figure. In Nanyang, if there are people who have never heard of his name, they are probably the frogs at the bottom of the well.

The three of them watched for a while in the front hall.

The incense in the front hall is very strong, and there are many tourists and believers coming and going.

In the front hall, there are 56 statues of gods alone.

Every statue is tall and majestic, built magnificently.

If the believers want to worship all the 56 gods, they will probably come in from the early morning when the temple gate opens, and worship until the temple gate closes before they can barely finish worshiping all the gods.

It can be said that the temple of the main rudder is more than a hundred times larger than that of Gumantong.

After a while, a young monk with delicate features came out, came to the side of Li Changsheng and the other three, saluted and said, "Three benefactors, the sect master invites you in."

"Okay." Li Changsheng smiled faintly and said, "You lead the way ahead."

The little monk nodded, turned around and left.

Li Changsheng and the other three followed the little monk and passed through the front hall.

Once the front hall is passed, there is a huge square. Although the square is large, it is deserted and deserted. There is no one there. Both believers and tourists cannot enter here, so naturally they cannot reach the square.

The three of them drove straight along the avenue in the middle of the square.

On the ground, there are various grotesque patterns engraved, there are pictures of flowers that cannot be named, and pictures of monsters that cannot be understood. All in all, it is quite imposing.

"Compared to our Hinduism, the appearance and ostentation of Tianpomen are not small at all." Fat Dhara couldn't help but sighed, and said aloud.

Li Changsheng smiled slightly, but did not speak.

The believers of Hinduism are indeed terrifying, and this sect is also very prestigious in the local area. Compared with Buddhism, Hinduism has a wider spread in India and has a longer history.

To put it bluntly, part of the theoretical system of Buddhism is also derived from the basis of Hinduism.

It's just that Hinduism's class division is too strict, while Buddhism completely abandons this traditional class system, making the sect popular and more suitable for accepting more believers and disciples.

The three of them walked through the vast square and reached the nave.

There are 36 statues in the middle hall, just like the front hall, it is also majestic and solemn.

However, compared with the front hall, the middle hall is more secluded, and it seems to have a mysterious atmosphere.

Li Changsheng clearly felt that there seemed to be some powerful power hidden in the temple of the chief rudder of the Tianpomen.

(End of this chapter)

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