Taishang asks longevity

Chapter 290 Xinfeng Town

Chapter 290 Xinfeng Town

One Hundred Thousand Mountains, Xinfeng Town.

Mr. Jia Yuancheng, Mr. Jia, recently encountered a troublesome incident, which made the whole town know about it, and it was widely spread.

Strange to say, master Jia's century-old mansion is haunted by ghosts.

Mr. Jia is a native of Xinfeng Town. It is said that his ancestors once gave birth to green forest heroes who did a lot of things like robbing houses.

Later, Jinpen washed his hands and started a business between the mountains.But I don't know if it's because if you do too many bad things, there will always be retribution. Master Jia's great-grandfather died suddenly when he was in his forties.

In the generation of Mr. Jia's grandfather, the fortune is pretty good. The business is booming, and a big mansion with three courtyards is built.

Every time you enter the courtyard, it is like a quadrangle. There are two rooms on the left and right sides, a living room in the middle, and a small garden in front of the living room. Walking inside is the same. There are three entrances in total, which are antique and quite classical.

Probably Mr. Jia's grandfather felt that building such an antique mansion full of books could cover up some dark history of his ancestors being robbers.

The mansion was handed down to Mr. Jia's generation, and it has been renovated several times. It can be regarded as a century-old mansion, but for no reason, it turned out to be haunted, which gave Mr. Jia a headache.

At the beginning, some weird things happened in the mansion: Someone went to the toilet in the middle of the night, and through the window, he saw a shadow shaking, vaguely, like someone dancing in the garden. No one was there.Some people heard whispering voices from the living room at night, but the voice was very strange. When they opened the door of the living room, they couldn't see anyone inside.

After going back and forth, we saw a lot of weird things, and the family members told Mr. Jia one after another, but Mr. Jia didn't believe it.

This century-old house, even if it is really haunted, the ghost should be our ancestors, so what is there to be afraid of?

Let's talk about it, but the ghosts became more and more violent, until the old housekeeper in Jia's house hanged himself on the old cypress tree in the garden for no reason.

This time, Mr. Jia, who had lived a long time, had no choice but to believe in evil, and hurriedly took the whole family, young and old, to live in a hotel in the town.

As a result, this stay lasted for a full month.

At the beginning, Mr. Jia paid 3000 yuan to find a local old Taoist priest to catch ghosts. Unexpectedly, the old Taoist priest entered the house. In one night, the ghost was not caught, and his own life was still in danger. on.

Master Jia saw that things were getting more and more troublesome, and he was a little scared, so he raised the price, and paid [-] yuan to hire someone to catch ghosts.

Not long after, another Taoist priest came, saying that he was capable of subjugating demons and eliminating demons, and his Taoism was superb. After Mr. Jia warmly entertained him, he was sent to the old house.

Sure enough, after another night, this Taoist priest who claimed to be a superb Taoist also died in the old house.

This time, all the villagers in the town knew about the haunting of Mr. Jia’s old house, and it became a chat after dinner. If any child was disobedient, they said they would send him to Mr. Jia’s old house, and immediately the child would be well-behaved. up.

In just one month, Mr. Jia has aged a lot, and the price of recruiting a good person has reached [-], but no one has come to take the order.

In Xinfeng Town, there is a theater.

The opera garden opens at [-]:[-] a.m. and closes at [-]:[-] p.m. from Monday to Friday. On weekends, it is closed for two days.

On weekdays, Mr. Jia likes to watch plays and drink tea in the theater.

During this period of time, although Mr. Jia came to watch plays and drink tea in the theater every day as usual, his leisurely attitude was gone, and the haunting in the old house made him upset.

On this day, Mr. Jia came to the opera garden, found an empty seat and sat down, and asked someone to make a pot of tea. After sitting down and drinking a few sips, an old Taoist priest came.

Just look at this old Taoist priest, wearing an ancient Taoist robe, walking and taking steps, calm and relaxed, looking like a fairy.

The old man walked to the seat next to Master Jia and sat down slowly.

When Master Jia saw this, he couldn't help but shivered, his eyes lit up, he looked at the old Taoist beside him, and said, "Old Taoist, do you also like to come to this theater to watch plays?"

The old Taoist smiled lightly, and said: "I like to watch operas, but this is the first time I have come to this theater... I have traveled all over the world, unfortunately... I passed by Xinfeng Town in the past two days, and I heard that there is a theater here that has good plays... ...so come and see..."

Master Jia was overjoyed when he heard this, and said: "Old Taoist priest, you have come to the right place. The plays in this theater are really good. I come almost every day."

"En!" The old Taoist nodded slightly, but his eyes remained motionless, staring at the stage.

Master Jia quickly poured a cup of tea for the old Taoist priest, and said, "Old Taoist priest, I don't know how to address him?"

"The poor surname is Chen."

"Oh... so it's Daoist Chen, I'm sorry, I don't know which mountain is Daoist Chen practicing and studying the law?" Master Jia asked tentatively.

Daoist Chen smiled slightly and said, "Poverty Taoist once studied Taoism in Zhongnan Mountain for 31 years."

"Mount Zhongnan?" Master Jia's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Chen Daochang, to tell you the truth, something happened at my house, I would like to ask you to help me."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Daoist Chen turned his head and looked at Master Jia.

Mr. Jia said: "Recently, something unclean has come out of my house, and I have been tossing around a lot. I have invited two Taoist priests in a row, but it didn't help. Today... God helped me, let me meet Daoist Chen... Please also Chen Daochang gave his hand to save..."

Master Jia looked respectful and sincere.

After hearing this, Daoist Chen pinched his fingers and calculated, with a solemn look on his face, he said: "The poor Taoist did some calculations... I found out that your ghost is extremely powerful, and it is not an ordinary ghost."

Master Jia was dumbfounded when he heard this, and quickly said: "Chen Daochang is really a master! I don't know what you have figured out?"

Chen Daochang smiled slightly and said, "I figured out that there are two ghosts in your family, one is older and the other is younger. The older one is the mother and the younger one is the son. Framed by others, depressed, the mother jumped into the lake to die while holding her child in her arms, so these two ghosts are full of resentment, which cannot be compared with ordinary ghosts."

When Chen Daochang said this, Mr. Jia was immediately confused and confused, and asked, "Why did this ghost who jumped to his death in the lake come to my old house?"

Chen Daochang smiled mysteriously, and said: "Ghosts like to follow people with weak yang energy. I figured out that these two ghosts were accidentally targeted by your old housekeeper when he was going out, so this The two ghosts followed your old housekeeper all the way into the old house, and if the calculation is not wrong... your old housekeeper must have been killed."

Mr. Jia nodded again and again, with a sad look on his face, and said: "Oh... Daoist Chen, you are really a master! Please, Daoist Chen, lend a helping hand and help me..."

After hearing this, Daoist Chen pondered for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "Pin Daozhi is traveling around, and tomorrow Pindao will leave Xinfeng Town. I'm afraid I can't help you with your family's matter."

When Mr. Jia heard this, he became anxious, and quickly grabbed Daochang Chen's sleeve, and said, "Master Chen, you subdue demons and save people from fire and water. Now that something like this happened to my house, how can you meet me?" Daoist Chen... Don't worry... If you can help me get rid of the evil spirits in this old house, I will definitely reward you, Daochang Chen. I decided to take out 10 yuan and treat it as me giving Daochang Chen Yunyou The world’s money is unnecessary, but it’s the incense money I donated to Chen Daochang’s temple, how about it?”

When Mr. Jia said this, Chen Daochang had a perplexed expression on his face, and thought for a moment.

"Chen Daochang... You must help me..." Master Jia begged with a sad face.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Daochang sighed, nodded sharply, and said, "Forget it, for the sake of your promise to donate incense money to the temple, the poor... just help you once."

"Thank you Daoist Chen..." Master Jia said quickly, the gratitude in his heart almost made him kneel down to Daoist Chen.

This is an old immortal who practiced on Zhongnan Mountain, traveled around the world, and it was a blessing that Master Jia met him by such a coincidence.

"You are Jia Yuancheng Master Jia?" Suddenly a voice came from behind Master Jia.

Master Jia looked back and saw a young man standing behind him with a smile on his face. He was startled for a moment, nodded, and said, "You are?"

The young man smiled slightly and said, "My name is Li Changsheng..."

(End of this chapter)

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