The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 704 I will use it in 2 days

Chapter 704 I will use it in two days
"Sorry, team leader, our people are still working hard."

"Well, I looked at the rank list, and there is no one from us in the top ten... How long has it been since the server started? So none of the three things have completed the progress they should have?"

"Leader, this is our negligence."

The team leader saw them hang their heads with gray faces, and turned to the man sitting in the main seat apologetically.


The person known as the young master silently flipped through the documents in his hands, his thick eyelashes slightly raised, revealing bottomless black pupils.

Everyone waited nervously for him to speak.

This successor, who is considered to be the most capable successor of the Jin family in the past century, is likely to lead the family to a peak that has never been reached so far. After half a year of internship in REGOD, he has mastered all the business. The Jin family discussed it. Completely handed over REGOD, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, to his management.

They didn't have any expectations. After all, REGOD has been going downhill for more than ten years, and it is only a matter of time before it goes bankrupt.It can be said that he has the mentality of being a dead horse as a living horse doctor. The main reason is to let him try the feeling of formally managing a company, so that he will have some experience in taking over other companies later.

The head of the Jin family actually threw the company to him because he wanted to polish the successor, destroy his long-standing prestige, and let this excellent son know that managing the company is not as simple and easy as he imagined.

Unexpectedly, this young successor was born with this kind of material. After becoming the boss, he used his own ability to bring REGOD to a height that the family had never expected, and he just rescued REGOD.

Now no one dared to question his ability and status, and the employees in the company also admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

This can be seen from a data.

The resignation rate before Jin He took office was a major problem for the company, and everyone wanted to run away early to find a new way out.The employees’ ideas didn’t change much when they took office. The boss changed too many times, and they no longer had any expectations.Then in less than two months, the resignation rate dropped by half.

It is said that the head of the Jin family has been thinking of giving up and entering retirement life early since last year, but the successor is still unwilling to accept all the family property of the Jin family, so the head of the Jin family is still working aggrievedly.

Everyone was curious about the reason why the young master refused the Patriarch's request, since the conditions were obviously ripe.

Jin He adjusted his glasses and sighed imperceptibly.

Right now the situation is really not optimistic.

Although they have invested a lot of money in the One King project, the one from Uford is confusing.

Auggie (Heqi's current Boss) did not refer to the investor's shareholding ratio, and everyone was put on the same starting line.

If there is any difference, it is only to disclose the [Tenth] plan to a few investors who have made great contributions, but some fool leaked it, causing them to lose even a small advantage.

According to Auggie, after the first test, the interest relationship between investors will undergo earth-shattering changes according to the rating list.

As expected of a man who dares to break the boat, even the way to check and balance investors is so special.

Oh no, it's capricious to be precise.

No matter how you think about it, it is bold and stupid to treat all investors equally.

And Auggie's daring to rely so willfully is his confidence in this project.

All the companies and small groups that participated in the first test project understand that One King will definitely break the traditional game mode after it goes public.

Although Uford's various actions made him very unhappy, he could only act in accordance with the rules it proposed.

"The current progress of other competing companies is the same as ours."

Jin He held the pen and signed his name neatly on the document with a calm and powerful voice.

"The test group took out an account, and I will use it in two days."

(End of this chapter)

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