The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 684 Just Leave the Cruel Things to Me

Chapter 684 Just Leave the Cruel Things to Me

Master once said that apart from the limits of all aspects of physical fitness, the reason to support oneself in fighting is very important.

Why did she draw the sword?
She is more interested in flower arrangement painting than kendo.

Practicing with the master is just to make yourself look closer to that person.

Practice desperately, even if you are injured all over, you don't want to rest.

Once she accidentally injured her ribs, and the master wanted to take her to the hospital, but she refused to leave the sword gym.

Master frowned and asked her why she did this, obviously no one forced her to do it.

That's right, her parents just let her maintain a sense of familiarity with the bamboo sword, and didn't ask her to practice to a certain extent.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't care what level they had comprehended in the way of swordsmanship.

Why endure the pain and continue to practice?

"Not reconciled."

She couldn't help crying at that time.

"I want to change..."

Change the passive situation.

I don't want to just live in that person's shadow.

Even if she is about to leave this world, she still wants to prove the meaning of her existence to her parents before she leaves.

Just a little bit better than "her", just a little bit.

With such faith, mixed with blood and tears, she finally graduated from the master.

"I have nothing to teach you, and you need to walk the rest of the way."

"It's useless for others to say more, what matters is how you see yourself. In my eyes, you and her are completely different. Even if the schools are the same, the sword styles of the two of you are very different."

"Give yourself a vacation. When you experience other things, it may change your reason for swinging a sword in the future. Whether it is good or bad is up to you to judge."

Then she came to this virtual world.

Elf said that as long as the sword skills are good enough to play games, it will be fine.

Then it is enough to make the other party incapacitated during the sparring.

Ah, what was she struggling with before?

While thinking about being yourself, you are still imitating other people.

Why do you have to force yourself to be like that person?

Even if he is a little better than "her", what can it change?
Zhao Zhao Fatal is not suitable for her at all.

Miki thought for a while, and followed He Qi and Error to the next mission location.

"Miki, we're two teams."

Suddenly being patted on the shoulder, Miki was still a little dazed.

"What! Are you planning to leave me alone?" Error knocked his spear on the ground dissatisfied.

He Qi looked at him and said with disgust: "You man can't even deal with the most common system monsters?"

"Who said I can't handle it!"

He just wanted to complain about why this weird guy only helped Miki and not him.

Obviously he is weaker and more in need of help, okay?
Error rushed out angrily, and the spear flicked a wound on the monster's neck.

Miki waved his hand, "Elf doesn't need it, I can do it by myself."

"The last time the boss fight was a little rusty, practice it when you have time." He Qi said indifferently, looking at the wild wolf not far away, "Let's start with it."

Miki thought that he might have dragged Elf down, and nodded seriously.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

It just so happened that she also wanted to try to fight monsters according to her own feelings.

Seeing the purity in Miki's eyes, He Qi couldn't help but bend the corner of her mouth.

There was no confusion or confusion.

When Miki withdrew from the battle line, He Qi drew his sword and charged forward, and hit the wild wolf's heart with the sword the moment it jumped up to take away the remaining health bar.

"No one stipulates that the move must be fatal."

"Leave the cruel things to me."

Miki's eyes widened slightly, looking straight at the back of the girl in black.

Feel it again.

It's really lucky to get the last place in the first test of One King.

It was great to meet Elf here.

(End of this chapter)

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