Chapter 615
The game level of the protagonist group has gradually stabilized, and Jiang Yin can also improve his strength a little bit.

The protagonist group became subconsciously flustered when they noticed that the position on the opposite side began to change.

But soon someone's calm command drew their attention to the game.

Because the opponent's level has improved, He Qi has more places to command.

Her throat was even a little dry after directing a game.

With the comparison, He Qi is even more thankful that he brought YouthK.

The team she was leading was of such a level that she might want to find a piece of tofu to kill her.

The director looked at the screen that had just been recorded, and his frown finally relaxed.


He Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and waved his hands towards Lin Qingchen who was opposite.

Lin Qingchen walked obediently to her side.

The director asked the staff to hand them mineral water, "Thank you Coach Xu!"

"The director has worked hard, let's go first if there is nothing to do." He Qi greeted and walked towards the door, passing by Jiang Yin with a cold glance.

Jiang Yin coughed lightly, "Thank you Brother Chen."

The director looked at the backs of the two leaving tangledly.

The game screen of the semi-finals suddenly raised the force of the whole drama to a higher level, so what about the finals?
The game level and rhythm effects that can't be shown to the audience are not even as good as the semi-finals, right?

It seems that we have to invite a coach who has time to come over and lead the protagonist group.

It's a pity that the current directors don't know that no e-sports coach can bring out similar or better effects.

So in the end, we had to reluctantly change the semi-finals to the finals.

After He Qi finished calling Zhao Zhiheng, she took Lin Qingchen back first.

It was during the time she was returning to the hotel that a video went viral on the Internet.

"What's the situation? The crew is filming parkour?"

"Isn't the picture quality too sloppy?"

"I'm going, why does it look familiar?"

"Is it Brother Chen...?"

"When you say it, it really looks more and more like it."

"I remember that Brother Chen and Da Lin went to the recording site of the 'Wings of Hope' project today, as if they were going to play guest roles."

"So who is Brother Chen's cameo? The parkour boy?"

"You don't need to guess, you will know after reading it. I knew the ending in advance, and I couldn't stand up from laughing."


After half a minute passed.

"Damn it, it's okay for the director to chase Brother Chen to help."

"Brother Chen is going to laugh at me to death, escape quickly."

"I've confirmed my eyes, and I'm staying away from work with my's undoubtedly Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen is really handsome to me in those few strokes."

"Parkour fans said that brother Chen is really good at it, and he doesn't breathe."

"The key is to be calm... Can you really see some big mood swings on Brother Chen's face in your lifetime?"

"Xu Xianxian, I love you!!"

"It's true that he is a fairy coach (laughing and crying"

"Passers-by expressed a look of bewilderment, isn't this a stuntman?"

"Answer upstairs, I said this is an e-sports coach, do you believe it?"

"What? This is the coach? Playing games?"

"That's right (laughs awkwardly)"

"When did you become so good at playing games?!"

"Brother Chen is popular again, or is he in a different circle?"

"I've already spread the video to the parkour community."

"My brother Chen in society!"

"Brother Chen is so powerful, I didn't know that (guilty"

"I won't accept anyone, but Brother Chen."

"Successfully transformed from a game fan to a girlfriend fan (shy"

(End of this chapter)

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