Sweetheart Strikes: The Devil's School Herbs, Please Recruit

Chapter 645 Our separation in the flames of war

Chapter 645 Our separation in the flames of war (1)

My plan with Su Qingmu is that if the plan of Chu Yechen and Andrew fails, then Su Qingmu and I must find a way to take Chu Yechen out of the palace. Su Qingmu's friends and bodyguards will definitely be waiting outside the palace. us.

Moreover, Su Qingmu had already arranged the route in the car in case of an emergency.

There are probably two ways for us, one is to arrive at the airport, and the other is to leave directly by helicopter.

The other is to drive across the border of country M while being pursued, and then return home.

In this method, the only difficulty is that we have to leave the palace smoothly.

Neither Su Qingmu nor I had any way to get in touch with Chu Yechen, so I once thought that it would take three days before I could see Chu Yechen.

But I didn't expect that within three days, a big parade broke out in country M, and immediately after the parade, a small-scale conflict between soldiers broke out.

One side is the mercenaries under the Duke, and the other side is the guards of the palace.

The Duke couldn't hold back any longer. I thought this was not the way to go, so I found Enzo.

Enzo was a little surprised when he saw me. He knew that I didn't want to see him because of the Duke.

"What's matter?"

"I remember you said that if there is anything I can ask you for help." Enzo said that he owed me a favor before, and I don't know if he is willing to repay the favor now.

Enzo hesitated for a while, then nodded, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I want to see Chu Yechen."

Enzo didn't answer me, and it was obvious that he was a little embarrassed.

I immediately explained, "I just saw him once to make sure he's okay. We're all in the palace anyway, so we can't escape."

"That's good, but the time is short."

Enzuo finally agreed to my request. After I walked with Enzo for a long time and finally saw Chu Yechen, I almost forgot what I wanted to say.

Fortunately, Enzuo didn't have the habit of listening to other people's conversations, so Chu Yechen and I got the chance to be alone.

"I heard that the past two days have been very peaceful outside. Parades and conflicts between soldiers broke out. Is there any way for you to stop the Duke's behavior?"

"The worst plan is that I give up the right of inheritance. Even if I get the right of inheritance, the Duke will not be able to show the treasures. The key is indeed lost." Chu Yechen is not very worried about this matter.

"Then what are you going to do? Su Qingmu and I mean that once an accident happens, we will find a way to leave the palace and go back to the country directly. But we don't know what you want."

"I want to stay and let the Duke repent for what he did back then."

"But you actually... can't do anything."

"I will make him lose everything. The power and wealth he wants will all be destroyed. For the rest of his life, he should confess in prison what he has done and the people he has hurt!" Chu Yechen's eyes He became fierce, and the veins on his neck burst out.

Chu Yechen like this makes me feel distressed.

"Chu Yechen, then you promise me that no matter what, you will go back safely. Otherwise, I will hate you forever!"

"My friend, remember, Su Qingmu and I have two routes to leave... One is to go directly to the airport, and there will be a helicopter waiting in the A3 area. The other is that there is a car at the corner coffee shop at No. 33 Moore Street. The car will take us directly across the border of country M to a neighboring country, and then return to country Z from the neighboring country!"

(End of this chapter)

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