Chapter 604 He Is So Dazzling (4)

I went back to school in mid-December because Christmas was coming and the school had already started to dress up.

Looking at the students walking beside me who have changed into winter school uniforms and are covered with overcoats, I feel a little like I have entered a strange school.

Chu Yechen was planning to find a way to trap Lance before, but Lance's identity is quite special. Not to mention that Japan took Lance back, even Chu Shihan was brought out under the pretext of being released on medical parole. country.

But this battle for succession has finally come to an end.

The marriage contract between Cheng Feier and Lance is naturally over. The Cheng family wants to reconcile with the Chu family, but Chu Yechen and Chu Shihao are not willing to make friends with the Cheng family.

As for Cheng Fei'er, she approached me once in private.

That time, I just came home from school and went to the barber shop to get my hair cut. When I came out, I ran into Cheng Feier.

Her driver took us to a secluded coffee shop, and the two of us chatted for a long time.

"How is it? I heard you hurt your head?" Cheng Fei'er looked at me, her beautiful face looked haggard.

"I bumped my head and got a few stitches." I looked at Cheng Fei'er, feeling quite calm.

"Why did you cut your hair short?"

"During the operation, part of my hair was shaved off. I wanted to wear a wig during this period, so I went to cut my long hair, which is more convenient." I said, taking a sip of coffee, it was too bitter.

I added all the sugar in, Cheng Fei'er saw my behavior, chuckled lightly, with a bit of arrogance.

"Do you like to put so much sugar in your coffee? It will lose the original taste."

"But since there is sugar, why not put it?"

Cheng Feier suddenly stretched out her hand and held down my hand that was about to pick up the coffee.

"Gu Mengmeng, when you and Chu Yechen are together, nothing will happen. Just like this cup of coffee, it is bitter at the bottom. Even if you think it is sweet now, it will still be bitter after all."

I slowly pushed Cheng Fei'er's hand away, and then smiled.

"It's okay, actually I like sweet things, but I can also eat bitter ones." I swallowed a big mouthful of coffee, and my mouth felt greasy with sweetness.

However, after the sweetness is suppressed, the bitterness soon permeates the entire tip of the tongue.

"Cheng Fei'er, the engagement between you and Lance has been broken, are you going to fight me for Chu Yechen now?"

I looked at Cheng Fei'er calmly, and saw a trace of astonishment in her eyes.

She remained expressionless for a few seconds, then smiled carelessly. This smile was like the first ray of golden sunshine in the cloudy sky, extremely beautiful.

"If I fight with you, do you think I will win?"

I shook my head, "You won't win, the person he likes is me."

"Gu Mengmeng, you are really annoying. I looked up at you before and thought you were ignorant and vulgar, but now I hate you because you are naive and stupid."

Cheng Fei'er threw the phone to me, and the photos on the phone showed two people I was familiar with.

Chu Yechen and Chu Keyu.

"Has Chu Yechen stopped looking for you recently? Haven't you noticed that he is indifferent to you?"

In the photo, Chu Keyu hugged Chu Yechen with a smile on his face. The two were walking on the shopping street. There was a faint smile on Chu Yechen's face, without a trace of disgust.

They looked like a pair of close lovers.

"He may not like you as much as you like him. I remind you, but I think you are qualified to compete with me for Chu Yechen. Chu Keyu... is too low. Among the two annoying people, I still hope that you, my former opponent, will be with Chu Yechen, that heartless bastard!"

(End of this chapter)

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