Chapter 201 Unsatisfactory Tears
The rain outside the classroom is still falling, pattering.

The wind and rain drifted into the corridor, making the mantle extremely wet and slippery.

I walked carefully step by step, keeping my head down all the way, for fear that I would fall.

I focused all my attention on my feet, as if in this way I could forget everything that happened just now, not to think of Chu Yechen, and not to think of that heartache.

But this is just a trick of self-deception.

When Ling Yao teased like that and said everything was a joke, how I wish Chu Yechen would deny it, and deny it as arrogantly as he usually does.

But he didn't.

He acquiesced that his pursuit and liking were all fake...

"Mengmeng, can I know what happened between you and Xiaoye? You know, Xiaoye's character can easily become paranoid. If you have misunderstood before, you must explain clearly." Su Qingmu accompanied me Walking slowly all the way, he began to persuade me.

I lowered my head and smiled wryly, a sour feeling welling up in my heart.

Where is the misunderstanding?
It's just my wishful thinking that he likes me.

"Su Qingmu, you go back. I'm fine. Now Chu Yechen won't bother me anymore. I'm relieved." I squeezed my shoulders, with an unattractive smile on my face, looking at Su Kiyoki said.

The rain hit Su Qingmu's chestnut hair, he looked at me with deep eyes, as if he wanted to say something.

But I was afraid to hear Su Qingmu speak.

I am afraid that he will see through the truth, I am afraid that he will laugh at my cowardice and hypocrisy, and I am even more afraid that he will comfort me.

"Okay then." Fortunately, Su Qingmu is really understanding. He listened to my words, said goodbye and went back. The whole process was not messy at all.

Almost Su Qingmu turned around with his front foot, and I cried with disappointment on my back foot.

Tears scrambled out of the eye sockets, silently dripping down his cheeks.

I tightly covered my mouth with my hands, afraid that I would cry out.

"Do you want me to teach Chu Yechen a lesson for you?" Ye Keyuan's faint voice came from behind, he stretched out his hands, turned me around, and faced him.

With tears in my eyes, I saw the helpless expression on Ye Keyuan's face.

Even though he was wearing glasses, even though his eyes had been wet by the heavy rain and blurred.

But I can still feel that Ye Keyuan must be despising me now.

I despise that I can cry like this because of Chu Yechen.

"Let's go, class is over, if you cry here, you might be heard by the students in the classroom." Ye Keyuan said, pulling me away from the teaching building.

"Ye Keyuan, where are you taking me?" I cried and asked Ye Keyuan, this guy didn't bring an umbrella, he dragged me to run in the rain, his clothes were soaked.

"You'll know when you arrive."

Ye Keyuan took me all the way to the north, and finally got into his laboratory.

Both of them have become drowned chickens, soaked in water.

Ye Keyuan took a towel from the lounge and wiped his head, but his whole body turned into a chicken coop, and my stomach ached from laughing.

"I was crying so hard just now, but now I'm laughing like this. If I were Chu Yechen, I wouldn't look down on you." Ye Keyuan, with his vicious tongue, threw me a towel and at the same time wanted to cancel me.

"Ye silly, inhumane, I am so pitiful, you still sprinkle salt on my wound!" I angrily wiped my hair with a towel, Ye Keyuan had already entered the lounge and came out with dry clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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