The heroine is a sleeping beauty

Chapter 1322 Previous Events

Chapter 1322 Before (Thirty)
"So what, if possible, our child can fully inherit my bloodline!"

What Song Ci said was not a big deal. If he and Tang Shi thought about it, their children could inherit his talent alone.

But he didn't want to do this, because as long as it was his and Tang Shi's child, he thought it was the best gift.

"You are the dream god of Shenting, when Pangu created the world and gave you these advantages, you have to pay the corresponding price.

So your marriage is not up to you alone, okay, you go back and think about it first, the emperor will call the elders of the gods to discuss it. "

The emperor had some headaches. On one side was his own daughter, and on the other was the Oneiroi who had been contributing to the God Court.

We can only look at what the elders have to say, maybe we can pick out good suggestions from them.

Rao Xue was a little proud when she left, she looked at Song Ci provocatively, "I'm having a hard time, so don't think about it either!"

"Then you miscalculated. Even if we don't become a divine couple now, we will still live happily together in the future."

Song Ci never said that, in fact, he secretly took Tang Shi down to the mortal world several times.

This was a small affair between him and Tang Shi, but looking at the smile under Song Ci's eyebrows, Rao Xue was still very angry.

The Oneiroi used to be very cold, but now he finally smiled, but it was because of the woman she hated the most!
"Then I wish you luck!"

Rao Xue snorted coldly and left angrily, but Song Ci still returned to his dream garden with a smile on his face.

At this time, Xiao Tangshi was waiting worriedly, "Aci, the emperor didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

"No, he doesn't dare to show his preference to Rao Xue, after all, there is still the empress."

What Song Ci said was not wrong. After all, Rao Xue was not the empress's child. If the emperor favored Rao Xue, the empress might make trouble.

Although it is well known that the Emperor is bothered, the husband and wife are still maintaining their face in front of outsiders.

"That's good."

Xiao Tang Shi breathed a sigh of relief, but Song Ci held Xiao Tang Shi in his arms.

"Shishi, if the emperor passes on to you tomorrow, you don't have to say or do anything, just feel at ease, and leave it to me, okay?"

"What if he makes things difficult for you?"

In fact, Xiao Tangshi knew in her heart that she was not qualified to speak in front of those gods, but although she has been recuperating for thousands of years, she has become much stronger.

Although it is not as good as those gods, it is more than enough compared to some small gods.

"Don't be afraid, I have everything, you have to trust me."

Song Ci rubbed Tang Shi's head. In fact, he didn't think wrongly. Sure enough, when Xiao Tang Shi was resting in the room the next day, the emperor sent someone to pass her over.

When she arrived, Song Ci waved to her, Xiao Tang Shi didn't even refuse, and sat down obediently beside him.

The attitudes of all the gods are different. Since Rao Xue was removed from the position of the Snow God, the matter of controlling the snow has fallen on the head of the Rain God, so the Rain God has a good impression of Tang Shi.

"Look at how well-matched this young couple is, I don't know what each of you are thinking."

"Tsk, if it weren't for them, how could you get back the skill of controlling snow so quickly, of course you are grateful to them!"

"I can't say that, but I think Oneiroi is easier to get along with than before, maybe it's because of the dream-weaving envoy!"

(End of this chapter)

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