Chapter 638
Seeing that Brother Ba's complexion improved and his breathing was stable, the younger brothers asked curiously: "Brother Ba, how is it? Are you feeling better?"

"It's much better, at least it's not so spicy." Brother Ba replied.

This elixir is really miraculous, it has amazing healing effects, it is really cool.

However, before he was excited for long, Lin Yifan spoke ruthlessly.

"The injury is healed, it's time for the next round of challenges. If you don't succeed in the challenge today, you won't be able to leave here alive."

"Made!" Brother Ba hated secretly, but there was nothing he could do.

The dominance is in the hands of others, so he can only obediently obey orders.

So, he changed to a clean place and continued to challenge the Guinness Book of Records.

Seeing that Brother Ba is fine, the crowd, audience, younger brothers, Zhou Jiajia and the others lost their sympathy.

Now, they are looking forward to Ba Ge's challenge again, to see if he can break the record and create a new record.

Get ready, Brother Ba will wait for Lin Yifan's order; as long as Lin Yifan gives an order, he will swallow the red pepper without hesitation.

This time, he became smarter and divided the pepper into five equal parts, the last four parts were ten each, and the first part was eleven.As long as he swallowed these 1 peppers within 51 minute, he would break the record.

The reason why he put a chili in the first portion was because he had a better appetite at the beginning and could swallow more; the more he got to the end, the more uncomfortable and disgusting he was; so in order to challenge and win, he had no choice but to do so.

The audience is staring with bated breath, wanting to witness the moment of miracle happen.

On the other side of the screen, the audience in the live broadcast room had already been barraged and urged.

Lin Yifan didn't want to waste time either. At this moment, he took out his phone and clicked on the second, ready to announce the start of the game.




"The challenge begins!"

The next moment, Brother Ba stuffed the first prepared chili into his mouth and chewed frantically.

This time, he didn't chew for too long. When he felt about the same, he took the ice mineral water from the younger brother next to him and swallowed the water and pepper together.


After eating the first chili, he continued to grab the second chili, chewed it, and swallowed the crushed chili in the same way.


Just like that, he ate like crazy.

The advantage of this method is that it reduces the spiciness, swallows quickly, and saves time.

However, the first time, the second time was okay, but the third time, he felt difficult.Because the spiciness began to spread and soar at this time, and the ice mineral water could no longer suppress them.

It will choke when it is hot, especially the throat, which will be extremely uncomfortable.

Gradually, Ba Ge's chewing speed continued to slow down, and his coughing also increased.

So time wasted like this.

Seeing that Brother Ba was so uncomfortable, the crowd, younger brothers, and the audience on the other end of the live broadcast on the mobile phone all cheered for him!
"come on, come on, come on!"

"Boy! You can do it, I believe in you!"

"Boy! Be sure to work hard and win glory for the country!"

"Boy! The future belongs to you, fight hard!"

"Boy! As long as you succeed in the challenge, I will give you a rocket and let you fly into the sky!"

. . .

The audience at the scene is obviously different from the audience watching the live broadcast.

The audience at the scene will only applaud neatly while cheering.And the audience watching the live broadcast will post various interesting bullet screens to cheer for Brother Ba.

However, in terms of momentum, the audience is still more shocking; because the neat cheering and shouting will make the challengers more motivated to face the difficulties they encounter.

Encouraged by the audience, Ba Ge swallowed the ground three-point pepper abruptly.This is the charm of spiritual encouragement, which can stimulate the hidden limit fighting spirit in the human body.

The third chili was swallowed, and it was the turn of the fourth.

However, when Brother Ba put the fourth chili to his mouth, he couldn't eat it anyway.Because he was really uncomfortable, the pain he experienced just now was staged again.

"Water!" Ba Ge cried out anxiously.

Now, he just wants to take a sip of ice water to cool down his throat and mouth.

This delay wasted a lot of his time.

Now, there are less than 15 seconds until the end of the challenge. If Brother Ba doesn't swallow the last two servings of chili within these ten seconds, then the challenge will be considered a failure and you need to start again.

"The last 15 seconds are left! You can figure it out." Lin Yifan reminded ruthlessly.

In fact, he also wanted Brother Ba to succeed in the challenge, so that he would indirectly break a world record.However, his deepest thought was that he didn't want to waste too much time here.

Hearing that there were only 15 seconds left, Brother Ba immediately put the fourth pepper into his mouth and chewed without thinking.

However, when he wanted to swallow it, he suddenly felt sick and vomited it out.

This is the saying that haste makes waste.

His stomach was already uncomfortable, and it would be strange if he swallowed it forcefully now.


Another lump of red stuff was spit out, Brother Ba was once again in danger.

But with Lin Yifan, a senior alchemist, he couldn't die.So another pill was put into his mouth to heal his body.

After he recovered from his injury, he continued to be forced to challenge, very helpless.

Learning from the previous lesson, Ba Ge changed the plan again and divided the 51 peppers into ten parts.

He knows that haste makes waste, and he can swallow five peppers without chewing for a long time; therefore, this plan may help him increase his chances of winning the challenge.

After dividing the shares, Lin Yifan announced the start of the challenge.

At this time, Brother Ba immediately grabbed the first six peppers and put them in his mouth to chew.

After the portion was reduced, he found that it was indeed easier to swallow; so the speed also increased.

He ate the first serving in less than five seconds. At this speed, he would definitely be able to eat all 1 peppers in 51 minute.

So he grabbed the second portion with confidence and devoured it.

Seeing that he was desperate, the audience cheered for him again, wanting to give him spiritual strength.

One, two, three. . .It wasn't until the eighth portion that Ba Ge gradually felt that his appetite was contradictory again.

At this time, he closed his eyes and swallowed the eighth serving of chili abruptly.

After pausing for a few seconds and gargling, he immediately grabbed the ninth portion and chewed it in his mouth.

It took him ten seconds to swallow the ninth portion.

He knew very well that his body was failing, his stomach was on the verge of perforation, and the pain was unbearable.

However, victory was close at hand, and he was unwilling to give up, so he gritted his teeth, immediately grabbed the last portion of chili, and chewed it in his mouth.

Everyone stared at this scene with bated breath, wanting to see if he could get rid of the spell and win the challenge.

At this time, there are still ten seconds before the end of the challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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