my sexy lady boss

Chapter 298 Who is Xiao 3?

Chapter 298 Who is the mistress?

At this time, Zhou Jiajia put Lin Yifan on the stretcher; then pushed it together with several nurses; and headed to the emergency room.

While pushing and watching, Li Xiangmei felt more and more strange; the outline of this old man looked like her boyfriend; but the two people were completely different in her mind, so she was not too sure.

After questioning for a while, she finally asked, "Miss! Who is this old man?"

"It's my boyfriend!" Zhou Jiajia blurted out without any hesitation.

"Boyfriend? Miss, your taste is too strong, you actually like Lao Niu!" Xiaoqing beside him was extremely surprised.

As a nurse, she shouldn't be gossiping like this; but this news is so weird, it's unheard of and unseen!So she couldn't help gossiping.

The other nurses were also surprised. They didn't know why a young and beautiful girl would like an old man who didn't feel like he could last long.

"No! He was fine for the first 10 minutes; then he suddenly changed from a young man to an old man." Zhou Jiajia hurriedly explained, trying to clear up the misunderstandings of these nurses.

However, her explanation was too fantastical, no one would believe it.So the nurses covered their mouths and laughed.

"Pfft! Miss, are you fooling us? Although we are ignorant and knowledgeable, we are still a group of highly educated and promising young people. Are you insulting our IQ like this?" Xiaoqing sneered again and again, not believing it at all. Zhou Jiajia's words.

The same goes for other nurses.

Only Li Xiangmei frowned; because she knew that among the people around An Qi, there must be her boyfriend.Now that An Qi was seriously injured and admitted to the hospital, and the old man followed closely behind, and hearing the news from Zhou Jiajia, she felt more and more that the old man lying on the stretcher was her boyfriend.

However, when she heard that this woman was her boyfriend, she was not sure; because Lin Yifan had told her that she had no other girlfriends.

"Believe it or not!" Zhou Jiajia didn't bother to compete with these nurses; now, she was most worried about the safety of Lin Yifan and An Qi.

Xiaoqing will not believe it; because there have been too many such news recently, some young girls like uncles who are decades older than themselves; they keep saying that it is for love, but in fact, most of them are running for a carefree life , or where the money went.

However, these uncles are generally around 50 years old, and this is the first time she has heard of this old man who looks like he is 90 or [-] years old.

However, what would she think if she knew that the old man lying on the stretcher was the handsome Lin Yifan whom she tried so hard to match up with her best friend to become a boyfriend and girlfriend a few months ago?

Looking at the old man on the stretcher, Li Xiangmei became more and more worried, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked, "Miss, what's your boyfriend's name?"

"Why do you ask this?" Zhou Jiajia asked in confusion.

"Wait until the operation comes out, it will be used when arranging the bed." Li Xiangmei replied.

In the hospital, each bed needs to fill in the basic information of the patient; therefore, Zhou Jiajia has no reason to question her answer.However, the real purpose of her answer was to extract the name of the old man on the stretcher from Zhou Jiajia's mouth.

After thinking about it, Zhou Jiajia also felt that it made sense, so she replied, "Lin Yifan!"


For a moment, both Li Xiangmei and Xiaoqing were surprised; then they were stunned, motionless.

At this time, the female nurse who was walking with them urged: "Xiangmei, Xiaoqing! Why are you standing there? Hurry up!"

In the hospital, it is a race against time to transport a patient to the emergency room, and no one-second stay is allowed; because it involves the safety of a patient.

The shouts of colleagues woke up Li Xiangmei and Xiaoqing who were in surprise; at this time, Li Xiangmei and Xiaoqing asked Zhou Jiajia as they walked, "Is the Lin Yifan you mentioned the personal bodyguard of the general manager of Antiy Group?"

"That's right! How did you know?" Zhou Jiajia was surprised. She didn't expect these two young female nurses to know the identity of her boyfriend.

"Of course we know. He is my best friend, that is, her boyfriend." Xiaoqing replied pointing at Li Xiangmei on the opposite side.

At this time, the female nurses who were walking together were all surprised and confused; Li Xiangmei's boyfriend was actually an old man;

Is an old man so popular?You must know that Li Xiangmei is the "flower protector" of Guiyuan People's Hospital!No matter how many young and promising male doctors want to chase her, they can't catch up with her; and the mature, steady, dignified and elegant woman opposite is also Yimei. I don't know why the two of them have to bow down to an old man.

However, if they saw Lin Yifan's appearance when he was young, they would probably fall in love with Lin Yifan crazily.

"Boyfriend? You mean, Lin Yifan is this lady's boyfriend?" Zhou Jiajia was stunned.

Today, she has been hit one after another, and she really can't take it anymore; if another third party appears, she really wants to die.

"Of course!" Xiaoqing replied noncommittally.

"How is it possible! I'm Lin Yifan's girlfriend!" Zhou Jiajia collapsed, unable to move forward.

She didn't know how many other women this man who said he was devoted to her had other women outside; she was really tired of being deceived.

"I think you are mistress! Sister Xiangmei is Mr. Lin's real girlfriend." Xiaoqing retorted.

She knew that Lin Yifan had a girlfriend before; but after such a long time, she thought that Lin Yifan had abandoned his original girlfriend; after all, she often saw Li Xiangmei often post loving photos in Moments.With such affection, Lin Yifan probably really abandoned Yuan Ai.

However, what she didn't expect was that Lin Yifan never abandoned his original girlfriend.This time, she was in big trouble.

"What nonsense! Yifan told me personally that I was his first girlfriend; your best friend is the mistress!" Zhou Jiajia angrily scolded.

She will not allow others to tarnish her reputation.

"The first girlfriend? Didn't you abandon your old love?" Xiaoqing panicked suddenly, her mind was in a mess.

Then she suddenly thought of a point—this might be what Lin Yifan was telling the young and beautiful woman, so she responded: "That's just what Mr. Lin is telling you, and you can believe it; you're so stupid!"

"Then do you dare to ask your best friend to confront me? Find out who is Lin Yifan's real girlfriend." Zhou Jiajia questioned in public.

"Call me! Whoever is afraid of you!" Xiaoqing raised her mouth and said to Li Xiangmei, "Sister Xiangmei! Confront her. I don't believe she is Mr. Lin's first girlfriend."

 Received the editor's notice, it will be on the shelves tomorrow, everyone who eats melons, get together and get away!

(End of this chapter)

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