The sturdy little lady falling from the sky

Chapter 729 747: Yunfei and Huangmei get married

Chapter 729 Chapter 747

His own women had to be disciplined in a timely manner, Cheng Daye's mouth curled up, very satisfied with Yun Yanran's cuteness.


Li Mazi woke up and found that he was tied up and his mouth was gagged. A big man was so anxious that tears and snot flowed down his face, and his heart was burning with urgency. His money, his money!

After two days of recuperation, Han Yiniang's body has improved a lot. She is a restless person and always thinks about working.

Yun Yanran had no choice but to give her some cloth and let her lie on the bed and do needlework.

But ordered time for her to rest and recuperate.

Gouzi also suffered some minor injuries, and his body was also emaciated, so Yun Yanran didn't let him work.

It would be fine to just talk to her mother every day. After all, letting a five-year-old malnourished child work is really hard on my conscience.

Even the seven-year-old Huang Ju, Yun Yanran couldn't bear it.

But the five-year-old Gouzi is very sensible, lying in front of Han Yiniang every day, doing things within his ability.

The happiest person here is Huang Ju, finally a younger one came.

Whenever I have time, I go to play with the dog.The two of them are almost tired of being together, Gouzi has become Huang Ju's little follower, and the two little ones get along well.

In the past two days, Cheng Daye asked people to plant peanuts in the field.

He really guarded Yun Yanran every step of the way.Even Yun Yanran was waiting outside when she went to the latrine.

Yun Yanran was speechless, and she had to talk all kinds of things, so she made the man back down and not follow her like that.

The big guys have been working hard for the past two days, looking forward to the excitement of Huangmei's marriage and relaxation.

On this day, the sky is clear and bright, and the wind is smooth.

This day is the day when Yunfei and Huangmei got married.

The two were almost so excited that they didn't sleep all night.

On the second day, I got up early to take a shower and change clothes, and twisted my face to make up.

Aunt Wang combed Huang Mei's hair and said auspicious words, no doubt, she was the best candidate.

Looking at these familiar steps, Yun Yan was dazed for a moment, as if she had returned to the time when she got married, with a smile on her lips.

Huang Mei got married, not many people, just the Cheng Lizheng family and Uncle Wang's family in the Cheng family's yard.

Yun Yanran had long planned to hold a different wedding banquet.After seeing that everyone in the room was orderly arranging Huangmei, he went out.

In the fire room, Mrs. Lizheng and her daughter-in-law, Zhou Mengxin, Huang Lan, Huang Ju, and Lychee were all busy.

Before Yun Yanran could enter, she was kicked out, for fear that she would bump into her.

In the same yard, there is no sedan chair, Yunfei waits early at the door of Huangmei's room, waiting for Huangmei to come out.

When the time came, Huang Mei was helped out by Aunt Wang and a Xi Niang.

Yunfei directly bent down to carry him on his back, Yun Yanran forced Yunfei to carry him around the yard twice.

She and Luo Qianqian were happily holding the basket, followed by scattering flower petals.

Although this scene is simple, it is unforgettable, and it is deeply imprinted in everyone's heart.

As long as you are with the one you love, no matter how simple it is, it is a kind of happiness!
Originally, Yun Yanran wanted Huang Mei to knock on it with a pot, and Yun Fei shouted, "I'm married!"

Everyone felt that it was a bit shocking, but no one agreed, and Yun Yanran had no choice but to give up.

When praying to heaven and earth, Yun Yanran deliberately left the seat empty.

It's a joke, let her and Cheng Daye, how can this work!
Uncle Wang acted as the master of ceremonies and sang loudly.

"Worship heaven and earth."

"Two thanks to the high hall."

"Happy husband and wife."

The two held the red silk, excited, joyful, and bowed cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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