The sturdy little lady falling from the sky

Chapter 599 614: Lazy afternoon

Chapter 599 Chapter 614 Lazy afternoon

The two were talking, the little girl had already been washed by Huang Mei and Huang Lan, and brought to the main room.

The clothes seemed to be Huang Lan's. Although Huang Lan was not as tall as Huang Mei, the clothes were still too big for this girl.

It can almost fill in one or two little girls.

In fact, the little girl looks very juicy, with big apricot eyes, long and curly eyelashes, and a pointed oval face. If she is fat, she should be an oval face.

Some pale little mouths are also slightly rosy at the moment.

Yun Yanran asked Huang Mei to send the clothes to Yun Fei and Yun Hua, and asked Huang Lan to tailor the clothes for the little girl.

The little girl is small, the two of them together, hurry up a little, and the little girl will be able to put on new clothes tomorrow.

"Sister Dongjia, Sister Huang Lan's clothes are so beautiful and comfortable."

"Does Huang Ju like it?"

Yun Yanran stroked the little girl's head, her hair was soft and smooth, no longer sweaty like in the morning, and her hands were a little sticky.

"I like it." Huang Ju smiled sweetly, very satisfied.

This dress is not hers, but she is very happy to be able to wear it on her body for a while.

"When the two sisters finish Huang Ju's clothes, Huang Ju will have her own new clothes to wear."

With a pure smile, there was some great magic power, and Yun Yanran's mood also became happy.

The corners of the mouth are raised, and the voice is gentle.

Huang Ju was yearning to hear it, and stood there dumbfounded, giggling.

Half an hour later, Yunfei and Yunhua also took a shower and tidied up, and the man took them down to the ground.

The original Cheng family's food is now his own. Although it doesn't grow well, it can't all be let go to waste.

In a few days, peppers will be planted again, and the two acres of land that I plan to burn will have to be picked up.

Yun Yanran and Huang Ju were in the backyard arranging the needles and thread they brought from Cuiniang.

Huang Mei and Huang Lan are working hard to make clothes for the little girl.

The little girl was not lazy, she fanned the three of them with a fan, and poured a cup of tea later.

With a small body, there is some huge energy, she doesn't stop for a moment, and she doesn't seem to be tired.

"Huang Ju, take a break and come here, my sister will teach you how to knit socks."

Yun Yanran originally wanted the little girl to rest for a while.

Unexpectedly, this little girl is very talented, and she can learn it as soon as she learns it.

Small appearance, straight-forward.

Yun Yanran became interested.

Simply concentrate on teaching the little girl.

Busy times always pass quickly.

Yun Yanran taught the little girl several acupuncture techniques, and the little girl couldn't wait to try it out.

In the beginning, Yun Yanran would give her guidance from time to time, but later on, the little girl became more and more proficient, and she didn't need Yun Yanran's guidance.

Yun Yanran lay on the rocking chair and watched, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, unable to bear the drowsiness, she fell asleep.

Huang Mei carefully brought the thin blanket, and the few of them were quietly busy with the work in hand.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Huang Lan guarded Yun Yanran who was still sleeping, and continued to sew clothes.

In one afternoon, with two people together, the clothes have been formed, and they can be made in one or two hours.

Huang Mei took the little girl to the stove room.

The little girl took the initiative to take over the task of lighting the fire, apparently she did it often before.

When it should be big, it should be small when it should be big.

The fire is mastered very carefully, and the small appearance is serious and cute.

The more Huang Mei looked at it, the more she liked it.

There were two more people tonight, Huang Mei added two more bowls of rice and two more dishes.

There are two people on weekdays, but today she is the only one, so it is a bit slower.

When it's time for dinner, Yun Yanran wakes up consciously and doesn't need anyone to shout.

(End of this chapter)

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