His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 641: Live Band Performance 4

Chapter 641: Live Band Performance 4
Feeling the charm of the Live show for the first time, Mao Mao was immersed in the music, listening to the song "Young.for.you", as if he was really in California.

She saw a hot and midsummer scene. By the sea, people were wearing light clothing, walking and talking and laughing comfortably in the sun.

The tall palm trees neatly planted on the roadside reflect the pure blue sky, and you can overlook the beach and sea from the fence.

The sea water rolled up the white waves and slapped on the beach, like silk satin with white lace.

In such a beautiful sea, countless people swim and surf in the sea, laughing and laughing...

"... welcome.to.the.golden.beatnik.park,

(Welcome to the golden garden of the Bitnick generation,)

(Diamond coast pulls me from the garden,)


(I look at your picture looking at the sun in disbelief,)

for.camera.your.smile's.so.sweet, palm.trees'so.lush,

(In the camera, your smile is so sweet, the palm trees are so green,)


(Can you believe it, my sweetheart, this is California...)
An Yijun sang to the microphone, as if he brought people into another space, and his whole body shone with the dazzling light gilded by the music.

After the song, Mao Mao lingered, her mind was still on the beautiful beaches of California, and suddenly the lights on the stage turned on, bringing her back to God.

The boy's lips curled up into a beautiful smile, which melted into the warm yellow lamp on the stage. At this moment, it was as if washed by the sun, which was fascinating.

Screams and whistles surged again, some people shouted "GC" and some people shouted "An Yijun".

The high enthusiasm lasted for a while, until a magnetic voice came from the surround sound system, the voice was rich and clear, and the speaker was An Yijun.

"Thank you for coming to our performance and supporting us as always. The band has experienced a lot along the way. If there are too many emotions, I don't want to say more."

His eyebrows and eyes were slightly raised, and the corners of his lips curled into a wicked smile. He made a "rock" gesture with one hand and said, "What I'm sure of is that tonight, we can go crazy all night!"

When he spoke just now, the scene was extremely quiet, but as soon as his words fell, the scene exploded again in an instant. Everyone clapped their rock fingers and shouted "rock".

Immediately afterwards, An Yijun put his index finger on his lips, and made a simple but handsome silencing action. He flicked the guitar with one hand, and the music sounded again with the bass sound ensuing.

For more than an hour, Maomao was immersed in the passionate rock music. Although not as excited as Jiang Enwei and other people on the field, she couldn't help waving her hands.

Just when this silly cat was immersed in the upsurge of listening to music, the boy on the stage with dyed blond hair and a somewhat naughty smile let go of the guitar and picked up the microphone on the black microphone stand.

Eyebrows slightly curved, under the enthusiastic eyes of everyone, An Yijun said: "Today we have prepared a special session, and the people who will appear on the screen later, please come to the stage to receive rewards."

There is a large embedded LCD monitor behind the stage, all the lights in the hall are turned off, only a few strands of light on the stage are left to illuminate, and the LCD monitor shows a personal silhouette of the audience.

Figures flashed one by one, and the audience waved or screamed, hoping to see their own appearance on the screen, so that they would be lucky enough to have close contact with the band members on stage, especially An Yijun.

(End of this chapter)

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