His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 549 Be His Girlfriend 5

Chapter 549 Be His Girlfriend 5
Being scolded, he didn't get angry, but chuckled lightly, and said in her ear: "It won't take long, you will agree, not only will you agree to be my girlfriend, but you will also fall in love with me without hesitation."

The voice was gentle and ambiguous, like the spring breeze in March, like a dream, the hot air blowing into her ears made her cheeks burn with shame, and her ears became red.

Seeing his smirk, the kitten said angrily: "You think too much! Let me tell you, unless my head is squeezed by the door, otherwise, I will never be interested in you in this life."

"I don't want to be difficult," he let go of her, sat up, and said calmly, "For the time being, you can go first."

Without the slightest hesitation, Hu Youyou put on her coat, went directly down the stairs, and went out the door. With a "bang", she closed the door behind her.

An Yijun was the only one left in the room again. Looking at the white catkins scattered all over the floor, he remembered how Hu Youyou hit him with a pillow just now, and suddenly laughed.

At first, he thought it was funny from the bottom of his heart, but gradually, that smile gradually became lonely, and he suddenly understood the reason why he likes her.

When she was there, he had a strange feeling in his heart, as if at that moment, he was no longer alone.

Hu Youyou naturally didn't know the feeling in An Yijun's heart. He just felt that he was inexplicable, a hundred inexplicable, a thousand inexplicable, so inexplicable that she really wanted to strangle him to death.

She was so pissed off! Rubbing the cheek kissed by him vigorously, Mao Mao thought of his smirk just now, and hurriedly shook her head.

She wants to drive this guy out of her mind, so that she can never see him again in this life, it's really irritating!Where does this kid get his confidence?Think you'll like him?Narcissistic enough.

After taking the nearby bus, Hu Youyou returned to the dormitory. Jiang Enwei asked her where she was last night with a worried look on her face.

"I thought you stayed at Yan Haozhe's place last night, but I got a call from him at night, asking me if you've come back," Jiang Enwei said, "You don't know, that question stunned me for a long time .”

After hearing this, the little cat felt a little happy in his heart, and asked anxiously: "Brother Haohao called you? Then what? What did you say?"

"Of course I'm telling the truth. I thought something happened to you. I couldn't get through the phone. The door was locked at that time, so I couldn't find you. I was so worried that I didn't sleep well all night."

Jiang Enwei said a lot of words in one breath, explaining the reason why she stayed in the dormitory, because Yan Haozhe was worried that Mao Mao would go back to the dormitory, so she asked her to stay in the dormitory temporarily and not go out to look for it.

She said that she was lucky to stay as he said, otherwise everyone would have to worry about finding her, and they might even go to the police station to call the police.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice that my phone was out of battery, and I drank too much at night, and forgot to contact you, which made you worry about me for so long."

Having said that, Hu Youyou said "I'm sorry" a few more times with an apologetic face.

When did the phone die?she does not know.

What time did brother Haohao call her?How many more calls to her?She doesn't know either.

She was so stupid that she walked around foolishly by herself without paying attention to her mobile phone. Brother Haohao must be in a hurry.

Rain, hiding from the rain, chasing, getting drunk, too many things happened last night, how should she explain to brother Haohao?
(End of this chapter)

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