His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 506 The Reason I Like Him 1

Chapter 506 The Reason I Like Him 1
Movie?Impressions?His gaze sank slightly, Hu Youyou didn't doubt Tong Shanshan's words, and recalled what happened a few months ago.

She remembered that the film told the story of AIDS patients. The whole film was in the form of a documentary, asking, answering and telling, interspersed with memory plots.

The interviewees were all real patients or carriers. Among them was a 12-year-old boy who was very well-behaved and sensible, but he was infected with AIDS due to mother-to-child transmission.

Everyone was afraid of him and looked at him with terrified eyes, just like watching a monster. He couldn't go to school and was even kicked out by the landlord's family.

At the end of the film, the little boy who made everyone shy away was isolated in the room, watching the children outside the house chasing and playing together, his eyes were full of envy, they were a pair of eyes eager not to be discriminated against.

Before he died of illness, his last wish was that he hoped that the young lady next door could hug him, because he really liked that young lady.

After finishing speaking, the little boy shook his head again, and said with a helpless and lonely smile: "I don't want it anymore, it's not good if I make my sister get sick."

After watching the movie, the crying kitten felt sad all night, and was comforted by Yan Haozhe beside him for a long time.

Hugging brother Haohao, she said sadly, "Why don't you hug him? Obviously everyone knows that hugging is not contagious at all."

"Because of fear?" The boy hugged her and comforted her softly, "Everyone is afraid of accidents, and in the face of unknown possibilities, they will become irrational, like a bomb buried in the ground."

She raised her head slightly, her eyes were red, and the sockets filled with tears filled with tears, she sniffled, and asked, "Bomb?"

"Well, if you are told that there is an unexploded bomb under the bed, as long as it does not come into contact with a fire source, it will not explode, cat, will you let it continue to stay? Or try to throw it away?"

Although she understood Brother Haohao's meaning, Hu Youyou rarely explained her point of view. She said it was different. Bombs are cold, but people are hot and alive, and they need everyone's care and love.

Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then, the boy's eyes became softer. He hugged the little silly cat in front of him, rubbed her little head, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Maomao is right. Patients need care. They are not lifeless bombs. Only kind people can realize this. My silly cat is such a kind little fool." He said softly.

"Brother Haohao is the same," she hugged him back, "I know."

On the second day, the Chinese class asked everyone to write a review after watching the movie. What Yan Haozhe wrote was praised by the Chinese teacher, and he even read it out on the spot.

"...Not discriminating against AIDS patients is the most basic sense of public morality for a person. If you can't do this, and you are simply controlled by fear, that is the real crisis and tragedy of this human society."

The so-called AIDS, or AIDS, is a serious infectious disease, so far there is no successful case of treatment, so it is called a super cancer.

The average incubation period of HIV in the human body is 12 to 13 years, or even longer. Before developing into AIDS patients, the appearance looks normal, and they can live and work for many years without any symptoms.

Because many people think that these asymptomatic HIV carriers are the main source of infection and will infect other people without knowing it, so they are cruelly isolated.

However, what does this have to do with Tong Shanshan liking brother Haohao?Hu Youyou couldn't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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