His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 395 Awake From Consciousness 3

Chapter 395 Awake From Consciousness 3
In fact, she wanted to say that High A was the school she finally got into for brother Haohao. If she went back to the county, she might not see brother Haohao several times a year, so she shouldn't be like this.

Maomao's parents don't know what the little girl is thinking, they just think that their daughter is really a child who wants to become a big girl, she must have worked hard and worked hard in order to study, and indeed she has good grades, so don't bury her when she goes back to the county.

After careful consideration, coupled with Hu Youyou's tough attitude, Mao Mao's parents had no choice but to compromise in the end, saying that they wanted Hao Hao to take good care of the little girl.

After being discharged from the hospital and back to the dormitory, Maomao learned that Su Haonan had been found out about the person who secretly photographed her before. He was a university nerd who studied photography. He was already crying and swore to God that he would not continue to photograph her.

This incident can be regarded as coming to an end, Jiang Enwei apologized, saying that she was wrong, she had to let Mao Mao participate in the competition, otherwise this misunderstanding would not have arisen.

Shen Meng said that she should apologize herself, she was the one who was smart enough to change clothes with Youyou, which caused her to encounter such a horrible thing, and also said that she wanted to apologize for her cousin in prison, saying that he was also furious at the time.

"He's usually quite an honest and humble person. I really didn't expect to do such a thing," Shen Meng said, "My uncle didn't expect that my cousin would suppress so many things in his heart."

In fact, he may be a little mentally ill, right?When Hu Youyou thought of this, he also blurted out, asking if someone should take him to a psychiatrist, after all, he was suddenly happy and angry...

Before she could finish her sentence, she was suddenly interrupted by Lin Nai who was sitting on the sidelines. She said, "Those who have committed some crimes now want to call themselves mentally ill so as to avoid punishment. Maomao, why don't you let him see a doctor?"

"That's right, it's still young to be locked up for ten or eight years. This kind of person is also harmful to society!" Jiang Enwei said angrily.

Mao Mao didn't refute, she was not a saint, thinking of what happened that night, she still hated that man, especially when he forced her and threatened her to take such disgusting photos, she wished she could kill him herself.

Recalling the details of the night of being kidnapped, Hu Youyou suddenly remembered the death of Shen Meng's parents, hesitating whether to say it or not.

He found an opportunity to ask Yan Haozhe what was in his heart, and he said that it is better to let Shen Meng's uncle talk about it, and it would be better for relatives to explain it.

Sitting on the horizontal bar in the sand pile of the playground, Mao Mao nodded, saying that brother Haohao was right, and she had better not talk to Shen Meng for now.

The two chatted about other things, and the faint light of dusk hit the boy's side face, Mao Mao turned his head slightly, and saw it.

The ghost mask of the golden totem flashed in his mind. The boy's slender fingers pinched the edge of the mask and moved it up slowly, revealing a fair and handsome face. Against the backdrop of the bonfire, he was exactly the same as brother Haohao now.

Seemingly noticing the girl's gaze, the boy turned his head and looked a little puzzled. He asked, "What's wrong? Look at me like this."

After regaining her senses, Hu Youyou smiled and shook her head lightly. She was silent for a while before she spoke, saying that she had a dream during the days when she was unconscious.

In her dream, she saw a boy exactly like brother Haohao, holding her hand and dancing the first blessing dance for her in the new year.

With long eyes, recalling what happened in the dream, she said that she didn't know what happened later, she was going to leave, the boy was very angry and sad, turned around and rode away on the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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