His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 310 Becoming Alone 1

Chapter 310 Becoming Alone 1
Ever since I got this mobile phone, texting and chatting with brother Haohao has become a must-do for Hu Youyou every day. Being able to see each other and send text messages every day is really sticky, but the two of them never get tired of it.

At the same time, the poor student Su Haonan seemed to be alone. In order to avoid the embarrassment of seeing Hu Youyou, he started to chat and have lunch with his classmates after class, instead of waiting for Yan Haozhe and the others to join him.

At first, it seemed lively around him, and everyone liked to hang around him, but in the second semester, he became a loner, always doing everything alone, refusing to chat with others, and gradually becoming withdrawn.

The students in the second class all said that the monitor of their class seemed to be a different person. Although he still looked friendly and gentle on the surface, he had a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away, and no one could get close to him.

The pretense of gentleness gradually disintegrated, Su Haonan was not interested in continuing to play this game, and pretended to be a very popular, kind and enthusiastic monitor...

Jiang Enwei, who didn't know the situation, felt strange, saying that last semester, he thought he was busy as the class monitor, but why in the next semester, Ah Nan didn't participate in every weekend reading meeting, and she was worried that something happened to him?

As for Lu Yiqian, he wholeheartedly felt that it was Ah Zhe who didn't want Youyou to fall in love early, because his tip-off had contributed to the breakup between Su Haonan and Youyou, so Su Haonan's recent abnormal behavior must be due to a broken relationship.

In addition, Yan Haozhe and Hu Youyou, the only parties who knew the truth, kept silent, and Lu Yiqian thought about it even more. He always felt that he was sorry for Su Haonan, so he decided to find an opportunity to apologize to him.

The timing really came at any time. One evening, Lu Yiqian saw Su Haonan sitting on the podium of the playground from a distance, so excited he climbed up a few steps, patted his shoulder and said familiarly: "Long time no see, recently... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Haonan simply replied: "Sorry, I suddenly thought of something, I might have to go back to the classroom first, I'm afraid I don't have time to chat with you, see you next time."

Very easy-going tone, the boy's lips evoked a faint smile, his gentle and kind appearance, not the coldness that doesn't take people seriously.

After Su Haonan finished speaking, he stood up, and waved "goodbye" to Lu Yiqian. He behaved and spoke in a reasonable manner, making it impossible for people to find fault, as if he really had something to do, rather than being perfunctory, making people unable to get angry.

Seeing him turn around to leave, Lu Yiqian who thought he knew the inside story hastily said, "I know why you did this, it's because of Youyou, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Haonan's steps stopped and he froze in place.

Lu Yiqian believed that he was right, apologized to him and said: "I didn't expect the matter between you and Youyou to come to this point. If I knew, I would never tell Ah Zhe."

He told Su Haonan not to blame Ah Zhe. As a cousin, he was worried that his cousin's puppy love would affect his studies, so it was understandable and understandable that A Zhe would break them up.

After a pause, Lu Yiqian continued: "But even if you broke up, we are still friends, I don't think there is any need to make the relationship so tense, right?"

With a sneer, the laughter went from very low to very low, and then gradually became louder, a slightly distorted laugh, Su Haonan laughed for a long time, and murmured "cousin" sarcastically, as if the word was so ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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