His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 308 They Are the Same 1

Chapter 308 They Are the Same 1
Maomao said that compared to that kind of big house, she prefers a small suite, just like her and brother Haohao's home, where everyone can see each other without looking up, it's bustling, unlike a big house that is deserted.

"By the way, I don't like the family he mentioned either. It feels complicated and troublesome," the little girl babbled about her true thoughts, "How can Uncle Yan, Aunt Yan, and Uncle Yan be kind and lovely?"

All in all, she said that brother Haohao was a complete winner no matter what aspect it was, and she couldn't find anyone better than him, so she didn't have the slightest intention of betrayal, and she also said that he must believe in herself.

After the little girl expressed her sincerity, Yan Haozhe put down his chopsticks and didn't speak, just looked at her, so quietly, he was almost embarrassed to see her, so he said: "So we are the same."

"Ah?" Hu Youyou asked in confusion, "What... the same?"

Just after asking, the boy's next words made the little Shamao's face blush so much that it was about to bleed.

He said: "Both feel that each other is the only one for each other, Maomao, in the future...we will get married and be together forever."

With a flushed tomato-like face, Hu Youyou nodded, shyly and happily said: "Well, I also want to be with brother Haohao all the time."

The atmosphere was warm and sweet for a while, Yan Haozhe walked up to the little cat, took her hand and warned, "If there is a boy who asks you for a farewell kiss next time, just give him a slap in the face, understand?" ?”

Mao Mao's big eyes stretched out, and he let out an "ah", thinking, slapping doesn't seem very good, does it?He was sad, and he said he would give a Goodbye.kiss and then he forgot about it.

"You foolishly agreed with your eyes closed, thinking that he can really forget?" He said seriously, "In this case, instead of agreeing, you even slap him in the face. Keeping it safe is more effective than kissing."

It sounds quite reasonable, Hu Youyou thought of this, and said: "Brother Haohao is right, next time... If there is a next time, I will do as you said, so he must have nothing to think about." .”

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, the little girl said again: "However, why do I feel that if I slapped directly, I would be particularly bad, and it would mean that I would make things worse. Could it be that I can't even be a friend?"

"No," he rubbed the top of her hair, and said softly, "It's much worse than being a bad person if you want to be a good person on purpose and give him false hope. "

He said that rejecting someone he doesn't like is sometimes indifferent and ruthless. Although it seems very cruel and unreasonable, it is much more kind than indecisive and indecisive.

"That's true!" Hu Youyou nodded in agreement, thinking that probably this is the reason why brother Haohao threw away those love letters and rejected other girls without delay.

Seemingly ruthless but affectionate, in fact, her brother Haohao has always been a gentle and warm person, as can be seen from the hopeful paintings he usually draws.

Finally, he talked all the words out and untied all the knots in his heart. Yan Haozhe suddenly remembered the gift he bought for Mao Mao, took her hand into the bedroom, took out the gift box that was put in the drawer before, and said It was for her.

(End of this chapter)

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