His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 275 Rescuing the Hanged Girl 1

Chapter 275 Rescuing the Hanged Girl 1
Although after running 22 laps, Hu Youyou was about to become paralyzed from exhaustion, but he still followed Su Haonan, walking in the direction of the voice.

Having met Li Qinghe in the bathroom before, the little girl felt that the one who was crying was definitely a human and not a ghost, let alone Su Haonan was here.

No, no, if it's really a ghost, it must be a female ghost. Since it's a female ghost, it must be a boy. Isn't Su Haonan more dangerous?Hmm, maybe then I have to protect him myself.

When Hu Youyou was thinking wildly and wildly, the two of them had already walked to the westernmost forest on the campus, only a hundred meters away from the playground.

"It seems that there is no crying anymore," she asked, tilting her head. "Is it because she finished crying and left?"

Having said that, don't you just cry miserably and vent?They don't need to come here to see it, do they?He will choose it specially in the small woods, maybe the other party doesn't want to be seen by outsiders.

Just as the little girl was thinking, she suddenly heard a strange "squeak", she turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

Borrowing the moonlight, she was frightened by what she saw suddenly, her eyes widened in astonishment and horror, and she covered her mouth with one hand.

A not-too-high tree, with white ropes hanging from the branches, and the ropes are looped around, hangs a girl.

The girl just hanged like that, didn't struggle, her body was still swaying like that, obviously she just hanged herself not long ago.

It was Su Haonan who came to his senses first, stepped forward to hug the hanged girl's leg, ignored her struggle, and forcibly carried her down.

When the girl was rescued, she coughed non-stop, and then cried even harder. Instead of thanking him, she scolded him for saving her.

Girls are not pretty, at least the first impression is "very ugly", thick flat bangs, wearing a pair of old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses, freckles on both cheeks, and some buck teeth.

With just one glance, Hu Youyou recognized her. Her name is "Cun Xiaoshan", and she is quite famous in High A.

The reason why she became famous is because she was active on the public network, and her private photos were maliciously uploaded to the A High campus forum by her classmates.

The name of the post is "Fantastic and Ugly Deskmate", the number of comments has been high, and there have been many disturbances since the beginning of school. It is said that it is a freshman in the first year of junior high school. Hu Youyou has never seen a real person, and once thought it was fiction characters.

[Floor 1] Little Sandwich Wendy: The worst thing about life in the first year of junior high school is having a weird and ugly deskmate. I can't be more helpless. The deskmate has a gloomy mentality, and he always steals my things. I Just treat it as kindness, and turn a blind eye to her.

First smell of Qilixiang: The landlord’s conscience is too good, tell the teacher directly, why should she be cheap?

An Yiyi: Agreed, I agree, this kind of thing must not be tolerated, the landlord must fight against the evil forces to the end.

Ice Blood Age: Landlord, are you Chen Wenna from Class Six?The deskmate is that freckled girl Cun Xiaoshan?curious!

Little Sandwich Wendy replied to Frozen Century: Damn, how did you find out?Who are you?An antenna on your head?

Ice Age replied to Wendy: Just guess, I am also in class six, because the ugliest one in the class is Cun Xiaoshan, haha.

Little Sandwich Wendy replied to Frozen Age: 233333, don't say what everyone knows, so as not to bully her.

(End of this chapter)

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