His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 203 Returning His Body 2

Chapter 203 Returning His Body 2
Hu Youyou didn't know what Su Haonan did to Li Qinghe until the day before the final exam.

After the seats were arranged that day, the classroom was cleared half a day in advance, and everyone was either in the dormitory or in the library to review books and do the final sprint before the exam.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Enwei felt a stomachache, because the women's toilet in the library happened to be under maintenance, and there was a long queue for the only usable one. She dragged Hu Youyou to the bathroom in the teaching building in desperation.

"It's so dark and scary," Hu Youyou swallowed, and said timidly, "Why don't you just go back to the dormitory? It's not very far, it's only a few minutes away."

She was captured by Enwei to strengthen her courage, but she was frightened to death first, and tried to persuade her tremblingly.

"It's far away, okay? And the dormitory is on the third floor, and it hurts to think of climbing the stairs," Jiang Enwei said, clutching her stomach, "I've already entered the teaching building anyway, just wait for me, I'll be out soon."

"Wait, I don't want to be outside alone," Hu Youyou said while grabbing her arm, "I'll go in with you."

Jiang Enwei wanted to laugh at her for being timid, but she didn't have the energy and mood for the time being, so she said "yes", and the two girls trotted to the nearest bathroom.

The main gate of the entire teaching building was turned off, so even though Jiang Enwei pressed the power switch, the lights were still not on.

If there is no light, there will be no light. Solving the major issues in life is the key point. She smeared and found a cubicle and walked in.

As for the little silly cat, she waited nervously nearby, her mind was full of strange images, a horror movie she watched during the winter vacation, she still remembered the name, it was a Japanese drama called "Ghost Doll Hanako", she watched For several days I dared not turn off the lights and go to sleep.

The background of this horror film is not anywhere else, it just happens to be in the teaching building, and there is a particularly scary scene in the dark bathroom, where Hanako stretches out a hand from the side of a certain girl and passes her toilet paper.

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, Hu Youyou didn't even dare to turn around, for fear of seeing some little girl with long hair.

After about two or three minutes, she suddenly heard the girl's cry, which was very low and shallow, but it was very clear in the quiet air. Hu Youyou was startled by the sound, and listened carefully with his hands on his heart. It was not an auditory hallucination. .

"Enwei, I heard crying," she asked fearfully, "Did you hear that, Enwei?"

After a while, Jiang Enwei replied "No", she said that Mao Mao was trying to scare herself, right?It is stated in advance that she is an out-and-out atheist and is not afraid of being scared.

She really doesn't believe in gods and ghosts. After thinking about the pen fairy incident last time, she decided that it was a psychological effect. That is to say, although she felt that there was no force, it was very likely that she was the one who moved the pen.

"I didn't scare you, listen carefully, there are really girls crying! Enwei, come out quickly."

After the little girl finished speaking with fear, the compartment door opened with the sound of flushing water, and Jiang Enwei came out. She listened carefully to Mao Mao's words, and she really heard a small cry.

"Who?" Unlike Maomao's soft voice, Jiang Enwei's voice was loud and clear, almost roaring, she asked, "Who else is here? Don't talk? Dare to pretend to be a ghost with this fairy, believe it or not, I will close it in minutes about you?"

As soon as these words came out, the crying stopped, and then came the sound of "bang bang bang" from the compartment door.

(End of this chapter)

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