Chapter 626
Only then did he suddenly realize that the little thing seemed to be quite extraordinary.

His life was protected by that little thing, otherwise he would have died long ago.

"Oh, that." Tangxi smiled: "I put it away, don't worry."

Shui Hequan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't throw it away.

Tangxi felt a little guilty and made him worry for nothing.

At that time, she was busy forgetting, she was afraid that the fairy artifact would be lost, so she put it away first, after all, it did not belong to her, and she would return it to its true owner in the future.

Shui Hequan didn't care too much.

As long as nothing is lost.

A Yuan who was listening next to him was aroused curiosity: "Jiaojiao, what are you talking about, so nervous, is it important?"

"Well, it's very important." Tangxi answered her only after staying away from Shui Hequan's sight.

A Yuan did not doubt that he was there, and opened a pair of big black eyes, and said seriously: "Since it is a very important thing, you must put it away carefully, and you must not lose it."

"Yeah, yes." Tangxi rubbed her little head with a smile.

The group's first stop was Lu and Soul Slayer Academy.

The person who handed Tangxi his business card that day was from this school, and his status here is not low. Although he is not a big leader, he ranks third in the school in terms of strength.

It's just that he doesn't like staying in school very much, and always loves to travel outside.

I often dig some good seedlings to my school.

The school leaders also let him go.

So this time, under his recommendation, Tangxi entered the school very smoothly.

And it is completely different from the previous school.

The students here don't have that kind of cold arrogance, they are all friendly and kind. Here, Tangxi also met many people who are similar to Shui Jiaojiao.

If you become a monk halfway, your talent is not good, and hard work can't make up for it.

But no one despises and excludes them. Instead, the teacher will help them and make small troubles in private.

And the students will not be hot-eyed, but will take the initiative to help answer.

Both the learning atmosphere and getting along with each other are excellent.

This is a very suitable place for Shui Jiaojiao, but it's a pity that she chose the wrong school at the beginning, and it cost her own life instead.

Tangxi didn't feel too sentimental, and just integrated into the study.

It's like returning to the days before, running back and forth in classrooms, dormitories, cafeterias and libraries every day.

Ye Nanxian stayed with her every day, peeled candy for her, bought some snacks for her, and occasionally served as her human body cushion, so that she could rest comfortably.

I envy the people around me.

What kind of fairy boyfriend is this!
What kind of fairy love is this!
In this way, time passed by in a hurry, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

In half a year, Tangxi achieved amazing results.

When she was in the original school, she had already made up for the gap with the students, and even surpassed them by a lot, but she never had the opportunity to prove herself.

Now in Luhezhong, there are large and small exams every now and then.

It is to detect the learning quality of students in real time regardless of cost.

If the effect is not good, a new learning method can be replaced in time.

And relying on these tests, Tangxi also succeeded in a blockbuster.

From the first test, she suppressed the original number one with a huge advantage.

After that, she took the first place in every test, and made great progress every time, which shocked the teachers and students for a long time.

So far, it's numb.

Even the test couldn't test her full level of pulling, and even in order not to damage the equipment, she tried her best to restrain herself.

So now even the teachers don't know how far she is.

The only thing she knows is her grades, and no one can catch up with her.

After all, even the teachers have admitted that their strength is not as good as Tangxi.

Tangxi became a legend of Lu He.

And now, there just happened to be a bigger stage for her to show herself.

Every four years, all the Soul Slayer schools will unite to hold a grand joint school competition.

Now, it's just this time's turn.

Coincidentally, the venue is Tangxi's former school.

Because of Tangxi's excellence, she didn't even need to compete for a place, and she automatically became a member of the participating team. If she didn't find it troublesome, she would be the captain.

After a school-wide competition, the school selected a total of nine students, four formal contestants and five substitutes.

Including the pre-determined Tangxi, there are five official and five substitutes.

Sitting in the car, feeling the swaying car moving forward, Tangxi squinted her eyes, with a faint smile on her lips.

Former teachers and classmates, I am back, are you ready?
I don't know if you are all right.

Half a year ago, Tangxi asked A Yuan and the others to go back and take back the magic weapon.Temporarily let go of those people from the original school.

But the souls were not suppressed back.

Because Ye Nanxian had already left there.

According to A Yuan's reaction, the former school has completely become a paradise for evil spirits.

As soon as the magic weapon was collected, the students and teachers all ran away, those who should go home, and those who should change jobs.

There is also a teacher who has switched to Luhe, but Luhe's people are not willing to accept it.

Tangxi didn't intervene either.

It's just that some bad atmosphere in the former school has been heard by the whole world of soul destroyers.Lu He refused purely because he was afraid of being spoiled.

At that time, almost everyone left except those who really couldn't.

The former school seemed pretty miserable.

But it's not clear exactly how miserable it is, you have to go and see for yourself.

Seeing clearly with her own eyes, she can laugh with confidence.

On the way, I also received news from A Yuan and the others. They were also rushing to school, and they had a round after they went.

After all, it is the masterpiece of the two of them. How can you feel at ease if you don't see your own work with your own eyes?
A Yuan and A Yue are not with Tangxi, they have been away for several months.

Because A Yuan always remembers to find out about Liao Xianqing.

So not long after staying in Luhe, he left with Ah Yue.

He began to search for Liao Xianqing's whereabouts without any low profile, just like before.

At the beginning, only the people in that straight line were hit.

In the past six months, the two of them have devoted themselves to bringing this blow to the world.

In half a year, they have completed more than half of their goals.

However, the results of the sideline business are gratifying, but the main business has not improved.

For half a year, he didn't even see Liao Xianqing's figure.

The whole person seems to have disappeared out of thin air, which is very strange.

But Tangxi was sure, she must be hiding somewhere in this world.

Tangxi specifically consulted Sansheng.

As the descendants of immortals, they must complete the immortal calamity in the first world they reincarnate.

If the task of the first world fails, although there is still a chance to continue to experience the catastrophe, in the second world, the difficulty for them to overcome the catastrophe will be multiplied several times.

Every time a world is lost, it will be superimposed once.

Few immortal descendants can successfully complete the immortal calamity in the second world.

It can be said that there are only a handful of them.

(End of this chapter)

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