Quickly wear my male god super good

Chapter 332 The Unruly Boy Is Soft

Chapter 332 The Unruly Boy Is Soft (5)

At this point in time, it came to an abrupt end.

Although the follow-up is not clear, it is not difficult to guess how much pain Su Ruan's death will bring to the family. Her mother died early, and her father brought her up with her own hands.

Later, the family business grew bigger and bigger, and he spent less and less time with his daughter, but it didn't mean he didn't love her anymore, on the contrary, he regarded Su Ruan as a treasure.

Knowing the news of his daughter's death and the grievances he has suffered before, he will go crazy.

Fortunately, there is still a chance of recovery.

Su Ruan has three wishes.

First, to prove her innocence, find the murderer who framed her, and those "suiters" who framed her, let them also taste the feeling of being framed but unable to explain.And heard a sincere sorry-everyone who participated in the cold violence against her, there must be one.

Second, do everything you can to help those who have the same experience as her, and start from yourself to prevent school violence.Only after experiencing it can we know how painful it is to be bullied on campus, it is really something more terrifying than death.

The campus should be a piece of pure land for children, and should not be contaminated with such darkness.I hope that one day, the world will never be so dark again.


Take good care of her father, the old man who dotes on her and loves her, she is worthy of anyone in this life, but him.It was because she was too cowardly and not strong enough to let him down.She escaped as soon as she died, but left the pain to him to bear. She was a bad daughter.Please be filial to him.If there is an afterlife, she still wants to be her father's daughter and repay him with her whole life.

Tangxi frowned while sleeping, pursed her lips, and the small bump on the side of her face became more and more obvious.

School violence is really harmful.

Su Ruan is not cowardly, she is strong enough, but when the road ahead is full of darkness and there is no light in sight, who can persevere.

At that time, even if there was one person who was willing to lend a helping hand to her, she had a reason to persevere.

Sighing, Tangxi began to sort out the tasks for this time.

Generally speaking, she will wear it until the time when the host body dies.

However, the situation this time is different from the past. Too many people witnessed the original owner's death, and his body was also torn apart.

Therefore, the node of Tangxi's possession was moved forward, to the time when Su Ruan had just been assigned to the tenth class, but the pain had not yet reached despair.

This is good and bad.

Fortunately, the executioners have made mistakes, and she can take revenge back aboveboard.

The bad thing is that her current situation is really bad. The whole school is an enemy. This is not a joke. It is a big problem to turn the situation around.

Tangxi was depressed, so she subconsciously sucked the sugar in her mouth, and the bulge on the side of her face disappeared instantly.

Lu Jie who was about to poke: ...

He froze with his fingers in the air for a long time, anger flashed in his starry eyes, not reconciled to returning in vain, he suddenly smirked, revealing a cute little canine tooth.

Scanning around, no one noticed here, he quickly poked her white and tender face.

Then quickly lie down, head inward, and sleep.

Being poked like that, Tangxi sat up abruptly, covering her face with a dazed expression.

Who poked me?

It didn't hurt, but it was icy cold, and the coolness from the man's fingertips still lingered on her face.

Tangxi looked left and right, directly ignoring the 'sleeping' teenager beside her, but she was sitting in the last row, surrounded only by people in the front row and an aisle away.

(End of this chapter)

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