Chapter 544 Unworthy
The servants directly took away Aunt Chen who was crying and shouting.

Finally that annoying Aunt Chen left, Ni Deyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Rong with hope: "How is the Crown Princess?"

The Rong family looked at Ni Deyuan with a sad face, and said helplessly: "The concubine is missing."

"What?" Ni Deyuan exclaimed, and subconsciously wanted to curse Ni Deyuan.

The Rong family answered first: "I heard from the eunuchs in the palace that when His Royal Highness returned yesterday, his face was quite bad."

Only then did Ni Deyuan let out a long sigh: "His Royal Highness did not go to court today."

"Master, why don't you go to the side to find out?" Rong suggested, "His Royal Highness has a bad temper. If you keep him angry, the consequences may not be good."

Rong reminded Ni Deyuan tactfully.

In fact, the meaning of the words is still very clear.

If Murong Ji is not made happy, I am afraid their life will be difficult in the future.

"Oh... let me try." Ni Deyuan said helplessly.

What can he do?
After much deliberation, I still have to find King Yong.

After all, besides being his daughter, Ni Xiuyue is also Princess Yong, so Murong Wen should also be worried about His Royal Highness.

After arriving at Prince Yong's Mansion, he met Murong Wen smoothly.

After seeing the ceremony, Ni Deyuan said awkwardly: "King Yong, what happened yesterday...I'm really sorry, the old minister is ashamed."

"Don't say that, Mr. Dingguo." Murong Wen shook his head helplessly, "It's because this king ignored the princess, which made her feel dissatisfied. If this king found out earlier, maybe she would not be so depressed, and would not be so depressed." It’s going to be a big scene in front of everyone.”

"My lord, I'm a high-ranking minister. We are also a family, but I'm worried that His Highness the Crown Prince's won't be easy." Ni Deyuan's main purpose now is to win over an ally to solve His Royal Highness's affairs together.

Just coax Murong Ji well first.

Because of the epidemic, His Majesty the Crown Prince favored him even more, it can be said that he was even more favored than before.

At this time, if he offended His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, wouldn't that be causing trouble for himself?
Murong Wen shook his head helplessly: "Don't hide it from Duke Ding, when the king brought the concubine into the palace to meet the emperor today, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince didn't show up."

When Ni Deyuan heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and only two words flashed through his mind—it's over!
After the prince marries the new concubine, he must be present when he enters the palace to meet His Majesty and meet his brothers.

At such an important moment, His Royal Highness did not show up. This is no longer angry, but rather angry.

"Then what does His Majesty say?" Ni Deyuan asked nervously.

"Father went to ask, His Highness the Crown Prince's answer was that he has no face to face others. He is an idiot who has insulted the royal family and is not worthy of being a son of the royal family. Please abolish the position of the prince and relegate him to a commoner." Murong Wen While talking, he shook his head helplessly, and Ni Deyuan was shocked to see the miserable expression on his face.

The clothes on his back were already soaked in cold sweat. It was icy cold, making him shiver from the inside out, his hands and feet were cold, and he had no temperature at all.

The whole person seemed to be in an ice cave, numb from the cold.

Ni Deyuan swallowed his saliva awkwardly, and asked fearfully: "Your Majesty, Your do you say it?"

"I don't know yet. This king also inquired about this news." Murong Wen shook his head with a helpless smile.

(End of this chapter)

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