My doctor concubine has a big temper

Chapter 528 The real shameless

Chapter 528 The real shameless

Murong Ji laughed, squinted at Duan Xinyu in a funny way, and asked, "Has this palace ever asked the people in the epidemic area for a penny?"

Duan Xinyu's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "No." Then he scolded loudly, "Even if you didn't ask for money from the common people, but you asked for money from King Yong Yu, you are still cheating!"

"Duan Xinyu, I'm afraid you still don't understand? The money was proposed by Murong Xun and Murong Wen himself to my father and emperor, and they want to give it to me." Murong Ji sneered.

"That's the money they gave out because they wanted to do their part to the people in the epidemic area. Why? Are they feeling sorry for the money now? If that's the case, then take the money back, I don't care."

Murong Ji sneered coldly: "I don't believe it yet, the lives of the people in the epidemic area of ​​our Yan Kingdom are not worth these few silver coins!"

"Since you can't bear it, don't pretend to be generous and say big words. It hurts to take out the money, and it's backfired... really embarrassing the royal family of Yan Kingdom!"

Murong Ji's words made the surrounding people nod repeatedly.

In that case, King Yong and King Yu offered to contribute to the money. If that was the case, how could they get the money back?

Isn't that unkind?

Duan Xinyu was trembling with anger from Murong Ji's shamelessness, and angrily said: "You didn't pay a penny for the medicinal materials, do you have the nerve to accept so much money?"

"Did you go to the epidemic area to solve the epidemic, or did you go to earn money to fill up your private treasury?" Duan Xinyu yelled sharply.

Being questioned by Duan Xinyu in public, Murong Ji just laughed.

Seeing Murong Ji laughing like this, Duan Xinyu reprimanded angrily, "Why are you laughing?"

"What are you laughing at? Ben Gong laughed at you ridiculously!" Murong Ji stopped laughing, and stared at Duan Xin Yu with fiery eyes.

For some reason, Duan Xinyu panicked and subconsciously took half a step back.

"Don't spend a penny? The woodcutter went to the mountains to cut firewood, the herb farmer went to the mountains to collect herbs, the hunter went to the mountains to hunt, and the fisherman went to the river to make heavy rain... Did they ever spend a penny? Are those things shouldn't be sold to support their families? , but should be given to others for free?" Murong Ji's question shocked the hearts of the people, and they suddenly came to their senses and nodded repeatedly.

These things are all dedicated and paid, so why can’t you ask for money?
When everyone was ashamed of what they had thought, they also hated the person who first talked about it.

It is really shameless for His Royal Highness to cheat King Yong and King Yu of so much money by casually finding some herbs in the mountains.

Thinking about it now, people who say such things are truly shameless.

If it wasn't for His Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess to find herbs, wouldn't it be impossible to solve the epidemic?

Doesn't the imperial court still allocate funds to buy medicinal materials every year?

When it comes to buying medicinal materials, those medicinal materials dealers also send people to find medicinal materials in the wild in the mountains, so don't they also sell them for money?

The people whose brains were heated by the rumors calmed down, and it seemed that something was wrong when they began to think about this matter.

"I brought people, how many places I have traveled, how many crimes I have suffered, in order to relieve the epidemic, I have tested the medicine several times with myself, and I was even brazenly said that I didn't spend a penny!" Murong Ji He sneered, "Isn't the life of my palace and the lives of my subordinates worth that little money?"

(End of this chapter)

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