Chapter 430 Meeting Bai Yi (6)

Boundary circled outside hesitantly, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

How could the young lady do such a thing?
He stretched out his head to take a sneak peek at the expression of the man inside, when a cold breath rushed towards him, he flinched.

This is a very serious matter. If you don't report it, if Lord Xiao finds out, he will probably be sent to mine.

After weighing the pros and cons, Boundary hurried in to report to Ye Xiao.

"Master Xiao, I just received news that Young dating Bai Yi!"

The air suddenly condensed.

Boundary's scalp was tense, and he didn't dare to breathe loudly.

Oh my god, it's better to be struck by thunder than to be frozen to death by Lord Xiao's air-conditioning.

Boundary lowered his head, constantly shrinking his sense of existence, for fear of being discovered.

The air was frozen and dull.

Quietly and clearly hear the sound of the beating heart.


Ye Xiaojun's face was dark, and his eyes were sharp and straight. The words without warmth made Boundary's back quickly feel cold.

“Coffee House in Lotus Hot Spring Resort!”

Boundary glanced at the man quickly, met his cold gaze, and quickly shrank back in fright.

That is Bai Yi's industry.

Ye Xiao's thin lips were tightly pursed, and a layer of frost filled his deep facial features.

The boundary atmosphere dare not breathe.

Why did the Young Madam date Bai Yi blindly?

This makes Lord Xiao so sad, how can I save face.

Even if she cheated, she should find another man. How could she find Lord Xiao's brother?
He's still the elder brother of the person Lord Xiao likes!
Ah bah, how can the young lady cheat.

Fortunately, Lord Xiao likes her so much.

Boundary murmured for a while.

"Tell Mu Qianqian to wait for me at the door there!"

When the order came from the cold slag, Boundary returned to his senses and looked at the man in astonishment, "What?"

One minute later, Mu Qianqian, who was still guarding downstairs, was shocked in the same way.


Mu Qianqian's eyes were wide open, and the joy and excitement that could not be hidden in her eyes, Ye Xiao was finally willing to see her.

Or ask her to go to the resort center for coffee.

She must seize this opportunity.

"Master Xiao asked you to go there and wait for him!" Heilong conveyed Fang Yi's order expressionlessly.

"Understood." Mu Qianqian brushed her long hair, glanced at the bodyguards triumphantly, and warned in a loud voice, "Be more polite to me in the future, or I won't let Master Xiao fire you all next time." .”

Isn't he just a bodyguard, dare to be so arrogant to her, what a thing!
Heilong and the others pretended not to hear, and stood straight at the door, staring straight ahead, ignoring her.

The order was conveyed, and it had nothing to do with them whether the woman would go or not.

"I won't tell you guys anymore, I'm going to wait for Lord Xiao!" Mu Qianqian narrowed her eyes with a smile, straightened her clothes, got in the car hurriedly, and drove to the Lotus Holiday Center.

"Master Xiao, why did you invite Mu Qianqian to drink coffee?" Boundary looked at the sullen look on the man's face and asked cautiously.

Could it be that Lord Xiao was stimulated and couldn't think about what to do with Mu Qianqian?

Ye Xiao's face was cold, and he shouted in a stern voice: "Prepare the car!"

"Now? You still have a meeting...!" Boundary didn't say anything, but the man ignored him and strode towards the door.

He opened his mouth, and quickly called the bodyguards downstairs, telling them to get the car ready.

Mu sweetheart!
You actually lied to me that you were going to pick up a friend's plane!

A storm was brewing in Ye Xiao's eyes, and the veins on his face were throbbing.

(End of this chapter)

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