Chapter 438
As soon as Ling Xie said this, everyone else's eyes were on Leng Qianche.

Leng Qianche looked expressionless at the gazes of several people, but said something that had nothing to do with her expressions: "If there is no fruit, if you can't get out of the forest, you have to find a water source first."

Several people nodded in agreement.

These few people who were all older than Leng Qianche actually obeyed Leng Qianche's advice. This picture was weird no matter how you looked at it.

But the people present didn't think there was anything strange, and the people watching the live broadcast even regarded Leng Qianche as the biggest guy in the whole dormitory, so naturally they didn't find it strange.

So naturally, Leng Qianche assigned each task.

"Yanli, Lin Xie and I went to find food, and the rest of us went to find water. Is there anything wrong?" Leng Qianche said lightly.

"Then..." Ouyang Zixuan couldn't help but shut his mouth after being caught by Leng Qianche's eyes.

This time, no one in the barrage called him cowardly, because they were also cowardly in their hearts...

"You want to say, who is looking at the wooden house?" Leng Qianche also knew that the brat was afraid of him, so he looked away and said in a calm tone.

"Hmm." Ouyang Zixuan this time was completely different from his usual blah blah style, he simply cherished words like gold, which made other people couldn't help but stare strangely.

"Although this wooden house has no decorations, it can still keep out the wind and rain. It's normal for you to be afraid of losing it." Leng Qianche changed the subject, "But, if the wooden house is taken by someone, shouldn't we be happy?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, they felt that what Leng Qianche said was quite reasonable.

If the wooden house is occupied, doesn't that mean there are people in the forest, and they have the hope of getting out.

"Then, there's no need to send someone to guard the wooden house?" Yu Mubai laughed.

"Of course." Leng Qianche said, and then suddenly sneered, "If there is no one in this wooden house but some kind of wild animal..."

Her eyes slowly flicked across the surrounding people, and everyone she saw felt a sense of creepiness.

Of course, Ling Xie is not a human being.

And the people who watched the live broadcast were scared to death by Leng Qianche's half-smile expression, and there was even a hint of coldness behind his eyes.

[Damn... I feel like what I say the most when facing a big boss is...]

【My mother, I am so frightened to death by this look】

[Scared to death +1]

[Fuck, you were just scared to death, labor and management suddenly opened the door, scared almost to death on the spot, okay! 】

【The brother who was scared to death really hangs up】

Just because of Leng Qianche's eyes and that sentence, no one asked anyone to guard the wooden house anymore.

Leng Qianche's eyes are full of green as soon as he goes out, dark green and light green are all green, this forest seems to be able to purify the air of the world, everything in his eyes is green.

The key is that the wooden house they are in is still on a slightly better hillside, which means a little hill. Leng Qianche stood on it and looked at it, and his eyes were still full of green. It was really like what they said before, let alone a building. Even a wooden house like theirs can't be found, it's completely like an ancient forest.

The barrage began to post words like [This barracks 666, even this kind of place can be found] and [I'll go there when I have time] and so on.

Leng Qianche made it clear to the others that everyone has a watch on their hands and knows the current time. No matter if they can find anything after two hours, they have to go back to the wooden house to meet up to avoid any accidents.

After all, this forest looks extremely deep and ancient, and the ghost knows how dangerous it is.

After several people agreed, the two groups parted ways.


It was only at this time that Leng Qianche felt that his short legs were of some use.

The three of them had just descended the small hill, and who knew that underneath was a bush covered with various vines. Yan Li originally proposed to bypass this bush, but found that it was surrounded by bushes in all directions.

In desperation, they could only get in like this.

Ling Xie and Yan Li, two big and tall men, walked with great difficulty, but Leng Qianche seemed to be in a very good mood as if walking.

After leaving the wooden house, the invisible cameras followed, and Leng Qianche followed at least three invisible cameras.

The room for the live broadcast was even divided into two rooms, and the audience could double-open to watch it. This kind of thing had happened before, and the audience was not very novel.

In addition to the increased risk of being discovered, this is still beneficial.

For example... the beauty of the prosperous age has been magnified a lot.

For a moment, the barrage was full of compliments on Yan Li's appearance, Leng Qianche's eyes and Ling Xie's smile.

In fact, Ling Xie's eyes are also pretty, but it's a pity that they don't look good after standing with Leng Qianche.

When you get out of the dwarf woods that cost a lot of life, it looks like an ordinary woods.

Facing several forks in the road, Leng Qianche always chose to go straight, but in the end, he walked for almost half an hour, not to mention food, and he didn't even see a single bird.

This made Leng Qianche even more sure that the forest must have been cleared by the military camp.

All three of them missed three meals, and gradually lost their physical strength, so they walked and rested for a while, stopped and went around, and they discovered a cave.

An extremely small cave, it seems that it is only the size of an adult's arm.

Yan Li frowned: "Snake cave?"

Ling Xie smiled helplessly: "Oh, after searching for a long time, I only found such a small hole."

But Leng Qianche laughed suddenly, and then said: "Whatever the hole is, as long as there is something in it."

Yan Li was just about to ask how you knew there was something in it, when Leng Qianche suddenly stretched her hand into the hole, which frightened Yan Li.

The barrage was also frightened and stopped for a moment.

[Fuck!A boss is a boss! 】

[My god, is the boss not afraid at all?This is the snake hole, right? 】

[Big brother, how can we ordinary people understand it! 】

【This kid is really a tiger! 】

[What child!Call the boss! 】

Ling Xie also seemed to be frightened.

Neither of them had time to stop Leng Qianche.

When Yan Li was about to directly pull Leng Qianche's hand out, Leng Qianche smiled: "Our breakfast is settled."

Yan Li was taken aback for a moment, and saw Leng Qianche's hand stretched out, which contained several oval eggs stuck together.

Naturally, Yan Li could only tell if it was a snake egg, or a snake egg that had just hatched. At this time, the female snake must still be guarding...

Just as he was about to remind him, those extremely beautiful peach blossom eyes suddenly widened. This was the first time he looked so disregarding etiquette, because a long pure white snake crawled out of the cave, it was not big but Extremely long, the pair of snake pupils immediately rushed towards Leng Qianche like lightning after seeing the egg in Leng Qianche's hand.

At that moment, as if time was frozen, Yan Li's body subconsciously rushed towards him, and the bullet screen was frightened to a standstill. The only calm people on the scene might be the expressionless Leng Qianche and the frightened-looking Lingxie.

After Yan Li rushed over, he immediately hugged Leng Qianche, but the expected pain didn't come, only Leng Qianche's cold but calm voice in his ear.

"Get up, you're heavy."

He hastily stepped back a few steps, but saw that Leng Qianche was still holding the snake egg in one hand, and grabbed the seven inches of the still struggling white snake with the other, and saw the corner of Leng Qianche's mouth twitch slightly.

"Today's breakfast can be added." As soon as she finished speaking, she moved her hand slightly, and the little snake completely softened.

People who saw this scene swallowed involuntarily, feeling a little shivering, always feeling like they are the snake in the hands of the boss...

(End of this chapter)

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