Chapter 343
For some reason, Leng Qianche always felt that the kidnapping tonight was not a coincidence.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the combat effectiveness of the Leng family's bodyguards. It is not an exaggeration to say that the three of them can kill a tiger with bare hands.For this Leng family banquet, it is impossible not to send dozens of bodyguards.Even if there were not dozens of them, the soldiers brought by Leng Qianmo were not vegetarians.No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for any kidnappers to break through these tight siege quietly, come to the back garden and tie them up.

Well, let's take a step back, even if those kidnappers are very capable and can break through the encirclement without a sound, but the hotel's defense system, infrared rays, etc. are not decorations, right?This hotel is famous for its national-level defense system. How can ordinary kidnappers not come in?

Well, let's take a step back, assuming that these kidnappers are not ordinary, they are international-level robber killers, but what are they planning?

Figure money?Impossible, if they want to make money, those kidnappers would just kidnap the son of the richest man in country Z, or even kidnap those rich sons, but most of the children here are probably children from well-off families based on their clothes, and it is impossible to handover worthy of ransom.

Hired?This assumption still does not hold.Who would spend a lot of money hiring international-level killers and kidnappers to kidnap a bunch of kids who have nothing in common?
Traffickers?This assumption is barely valid.After all, with so many children being kidnapped, ordinary people must immediately think of traffickers.

But if it's a human trafficker, wouldn't it be good to just tie up those orphans or children from poor families?Not only is it convenient and fast, but it also saves time. In addition, most families do not have the money and manpower to find the kidnapped children, so it is more convenient.

But now some of the children in this room also look uncommonly dressed, and one can tell that they are from wealthy families.

If it was a human trafficker who kidnapped them, then the human trafficker would probably be an idiot. Who is not good to kidnap, but he is not afraid of causing trouble for a child who knows his background is not easy to mess with?

Or... Leng Qianche opened those deep eyes, someone to help them deal with their troubles?

If this is the case, then this incident may not be a simple kidnapping incident.Rather, it involves a lot of things, and maybe people from country Z's politics are involved...

What is the guy behind that tying up those kids for?Threatening the family?Still want to get something?
The kidnappers had a clear goal at first glance, and they went directly to the back garden to tie them up. Was it the people behind them who ordered them?Or is there some other reason?Did he come for Leng's house?Has Leng's family moved to S City or is there someone who refuses to let it go?

Her mind was filled with a bunch of questions, causing her a headache. Leng Qianche shook her head and closed her eyes again. This time she didn't think about anything, but really relaxed and closed her eyes to rest.She is a person who goes with the flow, and now that she is tied up, she will be tied up. Anyway, there is no real threat. Rather than thinking too much about wasting brain cells, it is better to rest and wait for the other party to act first.

Speaking of which, it seems that I ate a little less tonight, and I am a little hungry now...

——This was Leng Qianche's last thought before falling into a deep sleep.

If anyone knew that she could fall asleep peacefully under such circumstances, they probably wouldn't know whether to say she was big-hearted or calm.

 emmm... I feel like I'm being watched. A few days ago, I only had more than 500 collections, but today I have more than 1000. I think either the data is wrong, or I'm being watched...

(End of this chapter)

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