Chapter 640

"Give it to me?" Li Shasha seemed unsure and wanted to confirm it again and again.

"Yes." Fei Sheng thought it was funny seeing Li Shasha's appearance of worrying about gains and losses, and finally answered Li Shasha with a slight nod.

"Then why don't I eat it!" Li Salsa, as if she was about to run out of meat, hurried to the roasted rabbit wrapped in lotus leaves that was put aside.

This rabbit is obviously much smaller than theirs, and it can still be eaten by Li Shasha's appetite.

Li Shasha was sitting intently on the side eating the rabbit meat in her hand, eating bite by bite very slowly, barely making a sound, this kind of eating made Fei Sheng remember Ji Wanwan...

The same is true for Ji Wanwan's eating. Although she has a big appetite, she eats very slowly without making a sound.

In the middle of eating, Li Shasha secretly raised her eyes to look at Fei Sheng's side, and it was only at this time that she realized that Fei Sheng hadn't actually eaten a bite of the rabbit meat in front of her.

That big roasted rabbit was completely on Sha Xinglang's plate...

"Why don't you eat? Aren't you hungry?" Li Shasha felt puzzled. She had never seen Fei Sheng eat anything except that day.

"I'm not hungry." Fei Sheng said lightly, got up and walked to the other side, leaning against the thick tree, her movements were lazy and provocative.

"Although you don't eat fireworks in the world, you still have to eat some." Li Shasha pursed her lower lips, looking at the little roasted rabbit she was holding in her hand. She eats very beautifully, and she will eat one place before eating another. a place.

Li Shasha just gnawed a little rabbit leg after eating for a long time. She thought for a while, then got up and walked to Fei Sheng. Because she stood up suddenly, she felt a black dizziness in front of her, and she fell forward. In an emergency, she supported the ground with one hand and then knelt on the ground with one knee. Fortunately, the hand holding the little baked rabbit did not touch the ground.

Li Shasha still knelt on the ground with one knee like that, right in front of Fei Sheng, Li Shasha handed over the little roasted rabbit, "Do you want to eat?"

"..." Fei Sheng half-closed his eyes and didn't know that Li Shasha was right in front of him, and was obviously taken aback when Li Shasha handed the roasted rabbit to him.

"How much should I eat?" Li Shasha smiled, obviously still a little dizzy, and gently pressed her temple with her free hand.

"..." Fei Sheng actually felt a warm current in his heart at this moment, he never thought about him when he looked at Qingwu or Ji Wanwan when he was eating.Because both Qingwu and Ji Wanwan know that he is not a human being...

Although Li Shasha's actions are dispensable, but this is Li Shasha's heart, Fei Sheng smiled lightly, "Okay."

At the same time Fei Sheng responded, a gleaming dagger appeared in the slender Su hand, and he cut off a small piece of meat, gently put it to his lips and chewed it carefully...

Li Shasha was also dumbfounded at this moment, it was the first time she was able to watch someone eat so gracefully without making a sound.

Fei Sheng naturally knew that Li Shasha was staring at her closely now, but Fei Sheng didn't answer immediately, but just cleaned up the dagger and handed it to Li Shasha, "Either?"

"What is this for?" Li Shasha didn't understand Fei Sheng's intention of handing the dagger to her.

(End of this chapter)

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