Cute baby on the palm of the fox fairy

Chapter 110 Is That A Dream Or Reality?

Chapter 110 Is That A Dream Or Reality?
Jiu Yan felt a little scared in her heart, the memory of this short-legged zombie seemed to be slowly resurging.

Ji Wanwan fainted because he was overwhelmed by the sudden memory and couldn't accept it for a while.It's normal to have a headache...

Brother Sheng...

Jiuyan seemed very dissatisfied with the title Ji Wanwan called out.

Brother Sheng...

That is a green memory.

Jiuyan felt a little uneasy in his heart, he wanted to close Ji Wanwan's memory, but this would lead to Ji Wanwan's corpse...

What's more, Ji Wanwan is still at the age of three years old.There is no sign of growing up at all, Jiuyan's hand is tightly hugging Ji Wanwan, he wants to never let go, he wants to follow Ji Wanwan and wander all over the Six Realms.

Ji Wanwan slept in Jiu Yan's arms.While sleeping she dreamed that she was lying in bed and was having a very real dream.

She dreamed that she saw many colors and heard many voices in her dream, but her sight was attracted by a touch of silvery white. She had a splitting headache and felt familiar, but still couldn't figure out whose silvery white it belonged to.

She dreams that she can't tell the difference between her dreams and her reality to the point where she's sleeping dreaming and when she wakes up living reality.

But the word reality lost its meaning, and then she dreamed that she woke up from sleep and decided not to sleep again to avoid dreaming again.Later in her dream, awake forever.

【Honmaru's dream is to watch myself sleep】

This passage is very touching, and Ji Wanwan is going through such a process now.

She is now in a dream, and she has two thoughts in the dream.One is living in reality and the other is living in a dream, she sees many colors, she hears many voices...

But the most eye-catching thing is the silvery white, Ji Wanwan in the dream feels that silvery white is extremely familiar, but she still has a headache but she still can't remember why it is familiar.

It was already night when Ji Wanwan woke up.The demon king has already prepared the fruit, Ji Wanwan has been asleep, and Jiu Yan has been guarding him, and has always maintained the posture of holding Ji Wanwan.

Ji Wanwan blinked her big misty eyes, Jiu Yan's heart tightened, and she just looked at her so firmly.

Ji Wanwan was inexplicably looked at for a while... Then he smiled shyly, "Master Ang, has Xiao Wan become more beautiful? Xiao Wan will feel embarrassed if you look at Xiao Wan like this."

"..." Jiuyan felt relieved when he heard this, and then put on a cold expression, "I'm just curious, and what I accept as a teacher is not a zombie apprentice, but a pig."

"..." Ji Wanwan's heart was blocked, it shouldn't be this high.Why not follow her script?Shouldn't the beauty master say, um, Xiao Wan is very beautiful, I really like watching it for the teacher!Baa!

And these inner activities of Ji Wanwan, Jiu Yan also didn't know, the moment he heard Ji Wanwan call him master, his heart was relieved.

God knows how much Jiuyan was hurt by that "Brother Sheng" that Ji Wanwan yelled before he fell into a coma!

But it's good that Ji Wanwan wakes up and knows that he is the master.

Jiuyan carried Ji Wanwan with her long arms and walked to the table, picked up the fruit and stuffed it into Ji Wanwan's little paw. "Eat, aren't you hungry?"

Ji Wanwan smiled brightly while holding the fruit, quickly took a bite, with the fruit wrapped in his mouth, he slurred and said, "Thank you, Master Beauty~"

Jiu Yan nodded slightly, and didn't speak any more, just watching Ji Wan eating so quietly would make him feel very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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