Chapter 750 Uneasy Bai Yunyi
Many of their Black Armored Army came from poor families, relying entirely on their own perseverance to practice and improve day by day. It is normal for some people to be unable to enter the Bronze Palace occasionally. After all, their blood level is too low. I did not expect His Royal Highness King Wei to be unable to do so.

"It's's impossible!" Pei Jingyuan shouted loudly after getting up from the ground.

He is the son of the late emperor, even if he is really a good-for-nothing and did not inherit the high blood of the Pei family, but his mother and concubine are also of noble origin?

Why can't he even enter this bronze palace?

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe that he was a good-for-nothing, someone must have tampered with it, and this person was his royal brother.

The imperial forbidden area was opened by the emperor, and he must be the main one. In this area, the emperor has the final say.

"Brother Huang, it's fine if you don't let me enter the Golden Palace, why don't you even let me enter the Bronze Palace?" Pei Jingyuan looked at the emperor with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

The emperor laughed when he heard this.

There are still such shameless people in this world, who are obviously useless, and as a child of the royal family, can't even enter the Bronze Palace, how dare they question him here?
The emperor felt that his younger brother was really hopeless.

"Pei Jingyuan, do you think anyone is as shameless as you?" Old Kang Wang couldn't help but opened his mouth.

Pei Jingyuan himself is a waste, but he dared to slander the emperor, maybe he didn't want to live.

If the emperor wanted to question him, he would not even be able to keep his title as prince.

Pei Jingyuan's face turned red when he heard the words, and he wanted to refute immediately, but the emperor's next words made him shut up.

"I'm a piece of trash, yet dare to question me? If you dare to speak too much, your title will be downgraded by three ranks." The emperor said coldly.

Pei Jingyuan shut up immediately when he heard the words, he is now the prince, and below him are the Duke, Marquis, and Earl.

He doesn't want to be demoted, otherwise he won't be able to raise his head in this life.

If he wants to develop well in the northwest, and if he wants Fukong Temple to fully support him in fighting for the throne, then he must keep his title of prince now.

However, Pei Jingyuan had already determined that the emperor was making trouble for his inability to enter the Golden Hall and Bronze Hall.

The emperor was jealous, jealous that he used to be Bai Yunyi's husband, and was dissatisfied with his recent attempts to marry Bai Yunyi.

Not wanting his brother for a woman?

good very good!

From now on, don't expect Pei Jingyuan to care about brotherhood.

"Yunyi, go in." The emperor looked at Bai Yunyi at the side and said in a low voice.

"Okay." Bai Yun nodded, directly ignoring King Wei's hateful gaze, and walked quickly into the gate of the Bronze Hall.

To be honest, she was still a little apprehensive, wondering if her bloodline strength could enter this bronze palace.

Only at this moment did she understand why the ancients cared so much about their background and why they paid attention to being of the same family. At this time... her own background is very important.

A person with a good background, whose ancestors were strong, has a chance to become stronger now, but with a poor background, the chance is very slim, and he has to work harder than others.

But King Wei is really a strange thing, he is obviously a son of the royal family, the most beloved son of the late emperor, but he can't even enter the Bronze Palace.

Of course she didn't believe that the emperor was playing tricks inside.

As far as the emperor's temperament is concerned, it is completely impossible to do so.

Maybe he would give his younger brother a big blow because of his displeasure, or give him some innocuous punishment, but it is absolutely impossible for him to joke about King Wei's future.

 【Chapter 2】

(End of this chapter)

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