60s Bai Fumei

Chapter 164 Recitation

Chapter 164 Recitation (Monthly Pass 640+)

After not staying in the dormitory for long, Xia Xiao went to the team headquarters again. There were a lot of people in the team headquarters, and everyone was studying the red quotations at the team headquarters.

Seeing Xia Xiao approaching, Gao Guoqiang waved, and Xia Xiao moved closer.

Gao Guoqiang said to Xia Xiao: "Xia Zhiqing, can you recite it?"

Xia Xiao nodded, and Gao Guoqiang said, "Then replace Secretary Li, he has been talking for a long time."

"Captain, don't you go up and talk about it?" Xia Xiao said.

Gao Guoqiang shook his head, "I just follow along. He is good at fighting and farming, but Gao Guoqiang is not sensitive to this kind of writing."

Xia Xiao nodded and agreed.

Li Zhenchuan's mouth was dry. Xia Xiao heard Li Zhenchuan's dry voice, and knew that Li Zhenchuan had been talking for a long time. If it was in later generations, Xia Xiao would take the initiative to pour a glass of water for Li Zhenchuan, but Xia Xiao didn't do that in front of everyone. Do.

At that moment, she took the initiative and said, "Report to Party Secretary Li, and I will recite it."

Everyone looked at Xia Xiao at once, Li Zhenchuan laughed, said hello, gave Xia Xiao a thumbs up, and said to everyone: "Xia Zhiqing also copied a few red quotations, and he can recite again. Let Xia Zhiqing tell everyone, everyone should study hard."

Li Zhenchuan's mouth is also very dry now, even if Xia Xiao doesn't show up, he still has to find someone to speak for him.

Xia Xiao has no problem. There are quite a lot of people in the production team who can't read and write. Now it's unrealistic to teach college students how to read and write. We can only teach everyone to recite the red book.

As soon as Li Shengmei saw that Xia Xiao was about to show off, she hurriedly said, "Secretary Li, is Xia Zhiqing okay? Has she memorized everything?"

As soon as Li Shengmei questioned it, others naturally doubted it.

Li Zhishu smiled and said, "I haven't fully memorized it yet. Everyone is studying together, and I am also studying."

"Then let me explain, I can also read." After all, she is also the female director of the production team, and she is more qualified to speak on it than Xia Xiao. Li Shengmei held her own red book and said, which was copied by herself. Although the handwriting is not good-looking, Li Shengmei can copy the red book independently. Among all the women in the production team, Li Shengmei is also very good.

"Xia Zhiqing, can you memorize it all?" Li Zhishu asked.

"Yes" is fine if it is someone else, but Li Shengmei and Xia Xiao don't want Li Shengmei to be in the limelight, and the limelight of memorizing the red book will still come out. Now the whole people learn the red quotations, if they can't even memorize the red quotations of their great leader , that is unpatriotic, and even criticized.

At present, Xia Xiao directly memorized the red book from beginning to end, without panting, not to mention that she is no stranger to the red quotations, and has copied it several times. There are stones to remind me.

After Shitou and Xia Xiao got together, he gained a lot of knowledge. He can read and write. Although he is not as good as a computer, he can learn faster than humans.

So Xia Xiao's back won a lot of applause, and at the same time made Li Shengmei green.

"Who else can recite the red quotations like Xia Zhiqing?" When Li Zhenchuan asked, no one was in the limelight.

Everyone is talented, even if they have copied it several times, they can't guarantee that they won't recite it wrong, so no one stands up.

Li Shengmei pushed Dong Meihua out, Dong Meihua immediately turned pale, and then she couldn't recite all the words, Li Shengmei hated that iron could not be made into steel.

Everyone booed, Dong Meihua was very embarrassed, and angry at Li Shengmei for letting her come out to embarrass her.

Li Zhenchuan didn't care about it at the moment, he just asked Dong Meihua to study hard, and let Xia Xiao continue to teach everyone. Xia Xiao said one sentence, and everyone followed it, just like shouting slogans.

This afternoon everyone is studying, and at night they are still reading, and when they are not moving, they ask the people around them.

After everyone dispersed, Li Zhenchuan recruited all the educated youths to hold a small meeting, and also asked everyone to help the production team learn red quotations.After all, the educated youth is the cultural layer in the production team, and many people in the production team can't read and write, and even can, not many can. It would be best if the educated youth help everyone learn.

Early the next morning, everyone gathered in the cafeteria and was studying the red book before breakfast. Xia Xiao was surprised to see Gao Jiaxing coming.

Lin Xuebi also said, "Gao Jiaxing, didn't you fall ill because the college entrance examination was cancelled, did you recover so soon? Why don't you take a good rest."

Gao Jiaxing looked at Lin Xuebi and said, "The great leader told us, 'The world is bright, but the road is tortuous. If you are confident that you will live for 200 years, you will be hit by water for [-] miles."

When he said this, Lin Xuebi was speechless and didn't know how to answer. Gao Jiaxing said: "The leader of Chuan University told us to study hard and improve every day."

"A single spark can start a prairie fire."

"All reactionaries are paper tigers."

"The people of zg have stood up since then!"

With Gao Jiaxing leading the conversation, everyone spoke one sentence after another, and the whole cafeteria was so enthusiastic that everyone could say a few words.

Li Shengmei said to Lin Xuebi: "Women can hold up half the sky, Comrade Lin Xuebi, you should study the red quotations carefully,"

Lin Xuebi blushed and smiled stiffly, but being watched by everyone, she didn't dare to say anything. She also followed suit yesterday, but she forgot it when she went back. How would she know now.

As a matter of course, Lin Xuebi was asked by Li Shengmei to go to the team headquarters to study the red quotations. This time, Li Shengmei's study is full of enthusiasm, and she is the women's director, and she fully conveys the above thoughts. Call people to team headquarters to learn.

Li Shengmei wanted to catch Xia Xiao, but Xia Xiao copied the red book three times and recited it. Li Shengmei herself only knows five sentences now, so how can she do anything to Xia Xiao.

But if she catches someone who can't speak five sentences, she calls them to the team headquarters to learn. Li Shengmei still feels a sense of accomplishment. Of course, there is also an advantage. Li Shengmei's quotations are becoming more and more complete.

Now everyone had breakfast and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving the cafeteria one after another with hoes on their shoulders, still reading the quotations from the red book in their mouths.

"Xia Xiao, let's memorize the red quotations." Gao Jiaxing said.

Xia Xiaodao: "Brother Gao, can you learn everything?"

Gao Jiaxing nodded, "You are so good, how can I fall behind."

Zheng Xianghong smiled and said: "This kid, he is serious about studying. If I hadn't accepted his book, he would have continued to memorize it."

Xia Xiao smiled and said, "Then Second Brother Gao can recite it, and let my aunt and I listen to it too."

Zheng Xianghong readily agreed. She also learned five simple sentences. Fortunately, she got the red quotation from Xia Xiao yesterday. Zheng Xianghong read it and remembered a few simple sentences. Otherwise, she would have to give Li Shengmei this morning. caught.

 It's the fifth update, there are still seven votes, gently add another update, come on.

(End of this chapter)

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