Chapter 241 Am I being stingy?I am timid!
Luo Xinghe kept looking behind her: "Play! Do I have it or not?"

The problem is that Di Wushi, a dog man, didn't say it directly, but just gave him a look to let him experience it for himself.

Luo Xinghe thought for a long time but didn't understand the meaning in his eyes.

Yunxi waited for him for a long time, and seeing that he didn't give it to him, he turned around and complained to Di Wushi: "You see, why is he so stingy, even a little bit of poison is not willing to give?"

Di Wushi turned around and bought Luo Xinghe: "Well, he is stingy."

Luo Xinghe: Am I being stingy?I am timid!
"Here, what kind of poison do you want, can I give it to you?"

Yun Xi was happy now, she licked her pink lips, and chatted with Luo Xinghe about poison in a serious manner.

"Doesn't Mr. Viper like to play with poison? Let's fight poison with poison and feed him some poison. This is to prove your ability to heal Mr. Sheng. Just take out any fun poison you have."

Feed poison to Mr. Viper?
That's a great idea!Luo Xinghe also became interested, and excitedly began to search for the poison on his body.

Modestly said: "I don't play with poison very much, there are only five kinds of poison, why don't we give him all these poisons to try, and we don't want to die."

"Okay, okay! Tell me, what kind of poison is this?" Yunxi said, taking a porcelain bottle from him.

"You have a crane-top green in your hand."

"Green crane top? I've only heard of red crane top." Yun Xi shook the small porcelain bottle.

Luo Xinghe explained: "This poison is not very poisonous, but after being poisoned by this crane crest green, the face will turn green."

"Okay, then I'll feed him some."

Xuan Longwei had already posed for Young Master Poisonous Snake, with his mouth wide open, allowing Yunxi to feed the poison powder into it conveniently.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xinghe handed the remaining four poisons to Yunxi one by one.

"This is worrying. After being poisoned, the abdominal pain is unbearable."

"It's a very bad situation. After being poisoned, first the melon seeds on the head hurt, and then there will be malignant sores on the head."

"It's hot eyes."

"It's a bruise."

Yun Xi was very curious about what would happen after this spicy eye was poisoned, but Luo Xinghe had already jumped to the next poison.

"Wait, what will happen after this spicy eye is poisoned?"

Luo Xinghe said: "It will burn your eyes."

Yun Xi no longer needs to ask about the toxicity of the "bruised nose and swollen face", she is a bully Xi: "So after the bruised nose and swollen eyes are poisoned, the nose will be bruised and the face swollen, right?"

Luo Xinghe felt that he had found a bosom friend all of a sudden: "Yeah, my poison is very powerful just by hearing it."

Yunxi: "Your poison is not only powerful, but the name is also very deep."

While chatting, the two poisoned the poisonous snake son, a rare friendship and harmony.

Di Wushi was watching from the side.

Yun Xi's gaze was attracted by Luo Xinghe, she smiled at Luo Xinghe, and even praised Luo Xinghe.

Therefore, the emperor has no vinegar.

Then the more he looked at Luo Xinghe, the more he felt disliked, and he said coolly: "Oh, amazing? Only people with low martial ranks will use poison."

Luo Xinghe received the death stare from the number one expert, but he didn't dare to refute it.

Because he understood that if he dared to resist Yidi Wushi's pissing nature, the next thing waiting for him would be the suppression from the number one martial artist.

"That's right, I'm not that good at all, but Ash is the one who's the best. Even masters don't need to play poison, just go straight up and kick."

(End of this chapter)

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