Chapter 1209

There is no brotherhood between Di Qing and Luo Xinghe like he has with Di Wu Shi.

Some are just the relationship between the monarch and his ministers.

However, Luo Xinghe is indeed a rare talent, and he has indeed helped her a lot over the years, even if he is not someone left behind by Di Wushi, Diqing will entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

"Anything else?"

Seeing that he had come to the main hall after leaving court today, Di Qing guessed that he must have something important to tell him.

Luo Xinghe glanced at the palace people at the side, and felt that it would be better for fewer people to know about this matter.

Di Qing saw what he meant at a glance, raised her hand, and let the palace servants go down first.

"Okay, now Mr. Zuo Xiang can speak."

I don't know why, Luo Xinghe is so mysterious.

Luo Xinghe and other idlers retreated, and then he said to Di Qing about the matter he had considered in his heart: "Your Majesty knows Su Ze?"

Diqing frowned unobtrusively: "What you want to say is about him?"

She could have directly denied it, as long as she didn't know her, even if Luo Xinghe found out something, she would not continue to ask after she learned about her attitude, this is a measure that a minister should understand.

But she didn't directly reply that she didn't know Su Ze, but acquiesced that she knew Su Ze.

Luo Xinghe nodded, and probably understood Diqing's attitude: "Yes, what I want to say is about Su Ze. Su Ze has been looking for His Majesty, and he found me here."

"Looking for me? Why is he looking for me?" Di Qing's frown deepened.

Luo Xinghe said: "As far as I know, Su Ze doesn't know His Majesty's identity, so he thought that His Majesty was kidnapped and is now in danger, and he was worried about His Majesty's safety, so he looked for His Majesty. "

It made him, the brother-in-law, annoyed to death these days.

Di Qing didn't want to reveal her identity. She was a female emperor, and her dignity did not allow her to tell Su Ze her true identity.

"He is a businessman, no matter how powerful he is, he can't find out my identity, is he?"

After a pause, he continued: "I just met him by chance, and we didn't have much contact with each other. After a long time, he will naturally give up. You don't need to worry about it."

Luo Xinghe also thinks so. If he doesn't take action on this matter, Su Ze won't be able to find out. In the end, he will naturally give up.

But it turned out that he was wrong.

Su Ze seemed to be crazy, spending money to find people from the Nine Sects, looking for spy organizations that specialize in scouting news, and looking for people in the imperial city and nearby cities.

It's been a whole month and I'm still looking.

The whole person was haggard.

Luo Xinghe really couldn't stand it anymore.

She gave him a little hint from the side: "I think that this person may not have been taken away by others, but left by himself. You haven't found him after searching for so long, maybe she doesn't want you to find him."

But Su Ze looked at him with red eyes, as if he was holding his breath: "Her, I want to see people when I live, and I want to see corpses when I die!"

Luo Xinghe always felt that Su Ze was a fool, definitely not the kind of infatuated person, but now Su Ze's attitude changed his opinion.

If he had a crush on other girls, he would be more than willing to lead them.

But who is that?

That's the empress!
Luo Xinghe is one of the few who understands all the reasons for the emperor's love.

I also know how indifferent Diqing's temperament is, this woman is determined to die alone.

(End of this chapter)

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