Cinderella and the Demon Knight

Chapter 932 Small Punishment

Chapter 932 Small Punishment

"Young lady, this chicken soup contains traditional Chinese medicine, which is very effective for postpartum care. You are still young, so you should take care of your body as soon as possible..." Aunt Wang suddenly stopped in the middle of her sentence.

The stew of chicken soup was ordered by Su Jinyan. He obviously cared about her, but he didn't let her know.

But looking at her expression, Ji Susu could understand in her heart what Aunt Wang's unspoken words meant.

It's nothing more than hoping that she will take good care of her body as soon as possible so that she can give birth to a child for the Su family.

In the final analysis, to them, she was just a tool to give birth to children.

Ji Susu suddenly found it funny, even if it was a minor postpartum recuperation, she had already passed the best recuperation period, and her current physical condition, no matter how much recuperation was, was useless. She did not forget that when she was discharged from the hospital, The doctor once told her that it would be difficult for her to conceive another child in her life.

Therefore, I'm afraid that the Su family's fantasy of using her as a child-bearing tool will also disappoint them.

"Aunt Wang, leave it alone, I'll drink it later." Ji Susu prevaricated casually, took An An's hand and prepared to walk towards the second floor.

At this moment, Su Jinyan, who was sitting silently behind the dining table, suddenly called out to her: "Since it is a medicine for regulating the body, drink it while it's hot."

Ji Susu was stunned suddenly, turned her head to look at his face, saw his calm expression, and said disdainfully: "If you want to drink it yourself, I will lose weight."

Su Jin said: "..."

Aunt Wang stood aside and couldn't help but sweat for her. With her figure, she still lost weight...

Facing Anna who was getting thinner day by day, Su Jinyan had an indescribable feeling in his heart, "Are you sure you don't want to go back for treatment?"

Not only did he once propose to help her find the best doctor for treatment, but Anna is a woman, and she loves beauty. She absolutely cannot accept the appearance of her hair falling out and her skin pale and colorless during the treatment.

What's more, the previous diagnosis also showed that her cancer was already at an advanced stage, and even chemotherapy might not prolong her life for a few days. Instead of enduring the painful treatment process, she would rather spend the last period of time comfortably.

"No, the result is the same if you don't treat it or not, so why bother to suffer that pain." Anna said lightly.

Even if she didn't choose treatment, her body would be getting worse day by day.

Now, Su Jinyan helped her find a doctor to take care of her here, and every time she gave her some medicine, it was just to relieve some of her physical pain.

"What about Susu, I heard that you have terminated the contract with Suyan?" Anna was also surprised when she heard the news.

"Well, it's a small punishment for her." Su Jin said helplessly.

"Small punishment?" Anna was speechless, "You know plain words are very important to her, why do you have to let her stand on the cusp?"

The man pursed his lips and did not answer her question.

It's not that he deliberately let her stand on the cusp of the storm, but it's beyond his expectation that things will develop to the present situation.

In fact, he already regretted it very much in his heart, blaming himself for being so ruthless, even if he apologized to her now, Ji Susu would not give her a chance to redeem her at all.

Just as she was distracted, she heard Anna suddenly say again: "Do you know what she said to me when she came to look for me that day?"


(End of this chapter)

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