Chapter 641
Hearing this, Su Jinyan's eyes frowned even tighter: "In the end, you're still blaming me for not telling you the truth earlier."

If time could be turned back, he would definitely tell her the truth the second he knew the truth.

But there is no if, he once concealed it from her, and did not tell her the moment he knew the truth.

But at the beginning, he didn't hide it on purpose, he just wanted to help her find evidence and share some of it for her. Could it be wrong?
"Actually, Xiangxiang..." After Su Xiangxiang left the country five years ago, he lost contact with the Su family. Over the past few years, he has been looking for her, hoping that she can return to the country and surrender.

Just as he opened his mouth, Ji Susu interrupted his thoughts: "Don't mention this person's name in front of me again, it will only make me feel sick."

"I just don't want you to misunderstand the relationship between me and her." Su Jinyan blurted out and answered.

It's true that he was kind to Su Xiangxiang before, but that was only limited to the kindness his brother treated his sister, and he never liked her.

Even so, he didn't want Ji Susu to misunderstand that it was because he liked Su Xiangxiang that he concealed the truth about her parents' death.

"What relationship you have with her is your own business. I'm not interested, and I don't want to know." She paused, sneered suddenly, and continued: "Let it go, I don't want after five years, We still have to quarrel over things from the past.”

She didn't want to bother with him about the past, and even if she cared about it, those things happened as they happened, and there would be no news.

"In the future, if you have nothing to do, don't come to me." She seemed to have made up her mind to completely break with the past, "I don't want to think about the past every time I see you. "

After the sound fell, something complicated flashed in Su Jinyan's eyes, she let go of her chin suddenly, turned her head to look elsewhere, and said again: "Don't forget, the agent of the 'Suyan' brand has been selling for a year. Give me the right, even if you don't want to, you still have to continue working for me for another year."

Plain words, plain words, plain words...

Ji Susu actually forgot that he is now Xingxiu's real boss and Suyan's agency.

So, after working so hard to prepare for so long, she created her own brand and sold the first year's management rights to him!

"Don't worry, I am a person who distinguishes between public and private, and I will not affect our future cooperation because of our previous relationship." Ji Susu replied lightly, raised her eyes and looked at him sideways, "I hope you will do the same. "

"Su Yan" is like her child, so she won't feel sorry for herself. Now that the brand has been established, she naturally wants to manage it well.

"Really?" Su Jinyan pursed his lips and smiled: "But I'm not a person who distinguishes between public and private, so..."

I want him to distinguish between public and private, and not to affect future cooperation because of the previous relationship, so: "Depend on your mood!"

Ji Susu was speechless, and immediately gritted her teeth, so angry that she was about to burst out.

Work is work, isn't it good to distinguish between public and private? What does it mean to look at your mood?
She finally understood that he was a stingy man.

She didn't continue to argue with him about what happened five years ago, so it was good for him to beat him up.

She was angry and was just about to say something to refute him, but his voice sounded in her ear again: "Besides, you used my name to name your brand. Have you asked my opinion?"

(End of this chapter)

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