Cinderella and the Demon Knight

Chapter 460 So He Didn't Give A Cell Phone

Chapter 460 So He Didn't Give A Cell Phone

"Ah..." Ji Susu was startled, then blurted out and asked again: "Didn't the electricity be on just now?"

"There was only a little battery left, maybe it was used up when I was using it as a flashlight just now." He pretended to be innocent and shook the phone in his hand: "What kind of broken phone is this? The battery capacity is so small. At noon It was powered on, but now it’s out of power.”

Ji Susu was speechless, remembering that the mobile phone he gave her before was also of this model, and unconsciously muttered: "The one you gave me before has a large battery capacity, and it can last for two days after one charge."

"Huh?" Su Jinyan was puzzled, although her voice was very quiet, but it was too quiet in the library at this time, he still heard all her words clearly: "You didn't want the mobile phone I gave you before, How do you know the battery capacity is not small?"

Hearing this, Ji Susu was stunned, thinking that he had committed amnesia?
"Didn't you ask Xiangxiang to hand it over to me? You said it was your compensation." She replied embarrassingly, with a self-deprecating expression on her face in the darkness: "Actually, I don't think you owe me anything." , so you don't need to feel guilty towards me, even if I broke off the engagement with you, I never thought of asking you for any compensation. "

Su Jinyan looked at her in astonishment. He only remembered that she didn't ask for the mobile phone he gave him, so he just threw it to Xiangxiang. Unexpectedly, Xiangxiang helped him take it away and gave it to Ji Susu.

No wonder during that time, Ji Susu's attitude towards him became more and more indifferent. It turned out that she misunderstood that he gave her the mobile phone and wanted to make up for her.

"Ji Susu, when you received the mobile phone, you must have been very angry, right?" He spoke with a bit of bitterness, and said lightly, "But why did you still use that mobile phone afterwards?"

The cell phone he saw her before, he thought it was given to her by Su Chengxi, but he didn't expect it to be the one he bought.

Ji Susu was stunned for a few seconds before realizing the meaning of his words.Su Jinyan did not entrust Xiangxiang to give her the mobile phone, so the reason why she got the mobile phone was because Xiangxiang gave it to her on his own initiative.

It turned out that she misunderstood him at the time, thinking that he was eager to get rid of her relationship, so she used a mobile phone to compensate her.

As for the reason why she used the mobile phone he gave him later, it was probably because she forgave him, but now that she knows this, it doesn't seem to make too much sense, but it just adds a sense of helplessness.

She didn't answer his question, so she interrupted: "Let's think about how we're going to get out first?"

Su Jinyan was startled, and didn't pursue the topic just now. Seeing her slightly nervous expression, he felt a little proud instead.

He walked to the window and peeked out a few times: "There are a lot of valuable books in the library. The administrator must have locked the door when he got off work. This place is far from the dormitory building. It's so late. I'm afraid no one will pass by here." gone."

After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes back to her face, and the faint moonlight came in from the window. He could clearly see the slightly anxious expression on her face, and comforted him: "Actually, there are still some charcoal fires on the roof, let's go It's not a problem to stay upstairs for one night, and you don't have to worry about what I will do to you."

"But if my roommate sees that I haven't gone back, she will be worried." Ji Susu blurted out, besides, the dorm teacher will make rounds, and Ye Xiaoyu will probably look for her everywhere when she can't find her.

(End of this chapter)

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