Chapter 431
Why didn't she think of this? Her parents must have seen it underground and refused to let her marry into the Su family, so they let her know this fact the day before the engagement.

Sitting alone in the cemetery, I don't know how long I cried. I felt that my tears were about to flow, and I felt a little weak all over.

At this time, the phone rang, and he took a look at it. It was Su Jinyan calling, probably because he couldn't find her in the police station.

She sneered, and instead of answering the call, she directly pressed the off button of the phone, turned off the phone, put it back in her pocket, and then sat on the grass, staring at her parents' tombstone with absent-minded eyes.

The sky was getting darker and dark clouds were passing over her head. It was only when she felt that her body was getting colder, and water droplets of all sizes kept dripping on her body, did she realize that it was raining.

She raised her eyelids and glanced at the sky. The originally clear sky was now covered by thick dark clouds, and the bean-sized raindrops fell torrentially, hitting her body, which was bitingly cold.

She didn't bring an umbrella in her bag, and she didn't intend to hide from the rain, so she just let the rain soak her whole body.

The rain was too heavy, and in the end, she couldn't even open her eyes, and the warm tears mixed with the cold rain were spreading on her face.

The rain lasted for a long time. From the downpour at the beginning to the continuous drizzle at the end, she was already soaked through, and the clothes on her body were covered with rainwater and hung on her body, which seemed particularly heavy, cooling her from the body to the heart .

When she went out in the morning, she was still very happy, looking forward to tomorrow's arrival.

But now, she felt so desperate and helpless, she blamed herself for not knowing the cause of her parents' death, and living so carefree for a year.

If the cold could kill, she hoped that the rain would be heavier now.

Because she no longer has the courage to live alone.

In the rain, the entire cemetery was drenched, and a cemetery administrator in the distance was coming out to patrol at this time. He probably saw that she was standing in the rain without an umbrella, and walked towards her.

When he arrived in front of her, he hurriedly blocked the umbrella in his hand towards her head: "little girl, why are you standing here alone in such a heavy rain?"

Ji Susu was a little dazed, raised her eyes to look at him, and then returned her eyes to the photo of her parents.

The administrator was stunned, followed her gaze to look at the photo, and said, "Little girl, these are your parents. People cannot be resurrected after death. If your parents know, they definitely don't want you to become the same as you are now because of them." Like this. It’s raining so hard, you’d better go home quickly, you won’t be able to get a taxi if you go down the mountain too late.”

The cemetery administrator's words awakened the dreamer.

After hearing what he said, Ji Susu seemed to think that if her parents could see her, they would definitely not want her to be like this.

Yes, she has to be strong, the person who killed her parents is still at large, how can she give up on herself like this, she can't die, she has to live well, find out the person who killed her parents, so as to comfort the spirit of her parents .

As if she had made up her mind and had the courage to live again, she suddenly stood up from the ground, turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing that she was covered in water and mud, the cemetery caretaker thought for a while and handed her the umbrella in front of her: "Little girl, I will give you this umbrella. The rain will not stop so soon."

She paused, raised her eyes and said a few words to him: "No, thank you."

An umbrella can cover the rain that falls from the sky, but it can't cover the piercing pain in her body...

(End of this chapter)

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