Cinderella and the Demon Knight

Chapter 217 Overturning the Vinegar Jar

Chapter 217 Overturning the Vinegar Jar

The next day, the news that Ji Susu and Su Jinyan ate noodles together in the canteen the night before went away.

At the beginning, she didn't know what happened, why everyone turned their heads from time to time and looked at her with strange eyes during class.

Later, under Ye Xiaoyu's reminder, she picked up her mobile phone and looked at the school's forum.

It turned out that the night before, when he and Su Jinyan were sitting face to face eating noodles in the canteen, someone actually took a picture of it and posted it on the school's forum.

When Hua Manli saw the photos, she felt a little angry. Su Jinyan stood up for her several times. She had already begun to doubt their relationship, but she didn't expect that they were openly dating in the canteen.

Even though only the side face was photographed, and the person in the photo was a little blurry, she still recognized it at a glance, and the person in the photo was none other than Su Jinyan.

When get out of class was over, Hua Manli and her two sisters blocked her in the bathroom while she was going to the bathroom.

"Tell me, what is the relationship between you and Su Jinyan? Why do you eat together in the canteen?"

Ji Susu was speechless, no matter what happened between her and Su Jinyan, the Hua sisters would always be the first to rush out and knock down the jar of jealousy.

It's just that he was just eating noodles with him at first, and nothing happened: "Hua Manli, if you are so interested in our affairs, you can ask him yourself, and you don't want to block me in the bathroom?" Does it stink?"

"If you don't clarify your relationship today, don't even think about walking out of this door." Hua Manli showed a sinister face, and after she finished speaking, she gave Hua Yunxuan and Hua Yuntong a look, and the two seemed to understand What she meant, they walked up to her at the same time and pushed her into the bathroom cubicle.

Then, he took a mop across the door and locked her inside.

Ji Susu was suddenly pushed in and fell inside by surprise. By the time she realized that she was about to open the door, the door had already been blocked from the outside.

He could only shout loudly from inside: "Hua Manli, let me out quickly."

"Hua Manli, are you not afraid that I will sue you at school?"

"Let's sue after you come out!" Hua Manli sneered as she stood outside.

"Hua Manli, you are shameless."

"Don't shout, just stay here for me. If I'm in a better mood after school, maybe I'll come and let you out."

Hua Manli replied, but she was still not relieved. Seeing a bucket next to her, she picked up the bucket again, went to the faucet and filled it with half a bucket of water, then stepped on the sink and poured half a bucket of cold water directly Chao Ji Susu fell into the compartment where she was.

"Ah..." Ji Susu yelled, and after realizing what happened, she yanked on the door several times, but they locked the door from the outside, no matter how much she pulled it, it wouldn't budge.

Hua Manli sneered, and then she took the three sisters out of the bathroom contentedly. Before leaving, she specially put the sign of "cleaning" on the door of the bathroom, and they returned to the classroom gloating. Attend class.

It's late autumn now, and it's getting a little cold in the evening. They poured a bucket of cold water on her, and she was wet from head to toe. Suddenly, a chill hit her. A hot tear rolled down my face...

(End of this chapter)

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