Cinderella and the Demon Knight

Chapter 215 The body is more honest than the mouth

Chapter 215 The body is more honest than the mouth

Soon, the first day's tutoring class was over, and when Ji Susu had just packed up her textbooks and was about to leave, Su Jinyan suddenly suggested: "Okay, I'm hungry, please treat me to a snack."

Ji Susu was embarrassed, thinking that she hadn't eaten dinner yet, she didn't cry hungry, why did he cry hungry?

What's more, his appetite is so high, even if he goes to an ordinary restaurant, he will be disgusted by him. How can she have the money to invite him to eat in a high-end place like before? For the sake of her own wallet, she had to say cheekily: "It's okay to eat snacks at night." Easy to digest, not good for the body."

As soon as she finished speaking, her stomach suddenly grumbled twice.

She subconsciously covered her stomach, thinking that during his lecture just now, her stomach growled several times, so he shouldn't have heard it, right?
She froze for a moment, glanced at Su Jinyan, and seemed to see a smile flickering at the corner of his mouth, and then saw him hook his lips: "Your body is much more honest than your mouth!"

Ji Susu was speechless, thinking that there was no escape from this meal, but thinking about it, she felt a little distressed about her wallet: "Let's go to the canteen to eat instant noodles, the instant noodles there are very fragrant and delicious."

The key is cheap!

Her relatives want to give her this month's living expenses, but they haven't sent them yet. There is less than 100 yuan left in her wallet, and she can only eat instant noodles.

Su Jinyan paused for a moment, with a doubtful expression on his face: "You are not willing to invite me, are you?"

Ji Susu wanted to cry, but she didn't want to part with her wallet, "Be willing to part with it, it's hard for you to help me with my homework now, I should treat you to dinner, but it's too late now, let's go to the canteen first Just eat something."

Hearing this, he pursed his lips, looked back at her with disgust, then turned around, and strode out.
Ten minutes later, the two of them were in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the canteen, with a bowl of freshly brewed instant noodles in front of each.

Su Jinyan looked at the instant noodles with a dissatisfied expression: "Ji Susu, just now you said that it was very hard for me to help you with your homework, so you really only gave me a bowl of instant noodles?"

At least I can add ham sausage or something...

"Eating too much at night is really bad for your health. Besides, you have such a good figure, so you definitely don't want to become a big fat man in the future?" Ji Susu persuaded earnestly.

Su Jinyan originally wanted to continue scolding her a few words, but when she heard her praise him for his good figure, he couldn't help being happy in his heart, and swallowed the words again.

It's just that he didn't even eat dinner, so he went to the library to help her with her homework. He talked for more than two hours. He was hungry, thirsty and hungry at the moment. He didn't expect that she would only give him this bowl of instant noodles , and it was he who begged pitifully, "If you are so stingy, I will reconsider how to help you tutor in the future."

Hearing this, Ji Susu was speechless, and suddenly flashed in his mind when he tutored her in the future, what tricks he might conjure up to torture her, regardless of whether he wanted to, said in a leisurely tone: "At worst, I will add another one to you." A ham!"

Su Jin said: "..."

After saying that, Ji Susu walked to the automatic shelf cabinet in the canteen with a resentful face, picked out a pack of ham inside, and was about to pay with her mobile phone, when a flattering laugh came from behind her: "Oh, this is not the last time That little beauty, I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet my brother again!"

(End of this chapter)

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