Cinderella and the Demon Knight

Chapter 171: Scattered Flowers Gradually Become Charming Eyes

Chapter 171: Scattered Flowers Gradually Become Charming Eyes (20)

"What are you doing here?"

While Ji Susu was wandering, she was suddenly awakened by Su Jinyan's words. After dazed, she pointed to the bucket of noodles that had fallen on the ground and said, "I didn't catch up with dinner, so I came here to eat instant noodles."

After saying that, a regretful expression suddenly appeared on his face, thanks to someone, now he doesn't even have to eat instant noodles.

Hearing this, Su Jinyan's face suddenly changed color: "Didn't I return the bank card to you, why are you still eating this kind of junk food?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that he had overdone it, thinking that it was precisely because he missed dinner that he came here to eat instant noodles.

Now he despises her for eating junk food, how can this make his stomach feel uncomfortable?
Just as Ji Susu was about to explain, he opened his lips when he heard his stomach growl again.

Because there was no one here, and the surrounding was too quiet, the growling of his stomach was clear and distinct.

After she immediately understood what was going on, she couldn't help laughing, and pointed at his stomach: "I'm sorry for your precious stomach, the junk food in it is not good, don't treat it badly, my commoner stomach is just as good." It's okay, I'm going to feed it."

After saying that, Ji Susu laughed heartily and walked towards the shelf, took another bucket of instant noodles from it, and walked towards the boiling water area.

Leaving Su Jinyan alone, looking at her cheering back, he suddenly felt like shooting himself in the foot with a rock, touched his protesting belly, and walked towards the shelf cheekily.

The two made a bucket of instant noodles each, and sat at the table in the canteen to eat.

Sitting opposite him, Ji Susu looked at his pleasing face, and suddenly felt that the scene at this moment was a bit unreal.

Once, when he faced her, he was either disgusted, annoyed, or driven away.

And at this moment, like a good friend, he was sitting quietly opposite her, eating a bowl of instant noodles that was so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary with her.

It seemed that the Su Jinyan in front of her was not the Su Jinyan she knew, but a Su Jinyan possessed by tenderness.

Facing his sudden change of attitude, she was suddenly a little confused. Even eating such ordinary instant noodles felt like she was eating a bowl of the best delicacy in the world. Every time she swallowed, she felt like she was about to fly.

Su Jinyan ate the noodles quietly, and his good table manners made him used to not talking when eating, but to concentrate on eating the bucket of noodles in front of him.

When he felt that he was about to be melted by the fiery gaze so close, he was helpless, slowly raised his head, and looked at her quietly: "You have been watching her for more than ten years, and you still don't get tired of it?"

Ji Susu was astonished, and was immediately speechless by his question. However, when he asked her this sentence today, she didn't feel lost at all, but felt like a flirt between lovers.

She suddenly became dazed again, pursed her lips and laughed in her heart for a long time, her tone was a little unwilling: "Then you have let me watch it for more than ten years, why do you mind now?"

"The past was the past, and the present is the present. Don't you not like me?" Su Jinyan blurted out, and then suddenly paused, as if regretting his indiscretion.

His eyes fell on her face, with a floating expression.

Ji Susu was stunned, originally immersed in the ambiguous atmosphere at the moment, but was pulled back to reality in an instant...


  Yu Xin rewarded me and saw it, thank you, okay~

  Yesterday I was still thinking that the book review area has become much quieter in the past two days, but today I suddenly realized that it is because many babies are going to start school one after another.

  Homework not done yet?
  〈Serious face〉( ̄O ̄;)
  Why don't you hurry up to do your homework and read some novels!
  <Hurry up and read it later>

  Crossing your legs to see you doing your homework with a hard face


  (^?^) Anyway, I have no homework...

  <Wait, have I finished writing tomorrow's update? >

  In the end, it’s shameful to be so cute, so this chapter is updated...

  〈Plus is going to be exchanged for a recommendation ticket〉

(End of this chapter)

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