pastoral pretty girl

Chapter 1901 Seems to be passionate

Chapter 1901 Seems to be passionate


Very nervous!

Xiao Lele's hands were trembling when holding the knife, everything was too similar to the plots in those clichéd movies and TV shows, if there was no ring in the cake, he would be sorry for the atmosphere today if he didn't suddenly kneel down and propose a marriage.

Mu Chen looked at Xiao Lele who had not moved for a long time, "What? Don't you like cakes?"

"Ahem, I like it, I like it so much, I can't bear to destroy it haha." Xiao Lele explained awkwardly, it's hard for her to tell the truth.

The big deal is to refuse!

Xiao Lele gritted her teeth and cut it with a single knife, huh?It seems that there is no obstacle.

Next, he divided two pieces of cake between Muchen and himself, and no ring appeared until the two pieces of cake were eaten.

"You take the rest back and give it to your dormitory classmates to taste." Mu Chen ordered the waiter to pack, while smiling at Xiao Lele.

The cake was finished, the flowers did not appear, the ring did not appear, and the scene of kneeling on one knee to propose marriage did not appear, and then the man who looked like he wanted to arrange these was discussing how to pack them, and he even asked for a lot of gifts in kind. Xiao Lele packed them together and took them back.


It's a shame!
Xiao Lele's cheeks were slightly hot, she misunderstood her affectionately, Mu Chen really just invited her to a meal for her birthday.

People like him, although many people are willing to make friends, but maybe he doesn't like it, he just wants to have a quiet birthday.

Xiao Lele sighed in her heart, it's a good thing she didn't refuse to cut the cake just now, otherwise she really didn't know how it would end.

After the things were packed, Muchen helped to carry them away. He looked as usual, and he didn't change much.

Because of Mu Chen's status, the car kept driving into the school. Mu Chen helped carry the packed food and sent Xiao Lele downstairs to the dormitory, then left with a smile.

Xiao Lele's expression was still blank until he entered the dormitory.

Is this the end?
"Wow, are they all delicious?"

"Why isn't it my grandfather's cooking, only steak?"

"Cake cake, I want cake."

After hearing the familiar voices of the three friends around her, Xiao Lele came back to his senses, the day really ended like this.

"Ahem, this steak costs more than 2000 pieces." Xiao Lele reminded with a smile.

"Damn! When did you learn to be extravagant and wasteful? You learned it well, you learned it well, hahaha... I haven't eaten such an expensive steak before."

"I'd like to see how the 2000 yuan steak tastes."


The three of them teased Xiao Lele while eating one.

Although Mao Xinxin's family has money, it is not so extravagant and wasteful. Li Qiunan and Pei Ying are both ordinary families, and their monthly living expenses are only 3000 yuan.

They now know that Xiao Lele is rich, but when they take a look at her, they really can't associate it with being rich.

It was by far the most extravagant of hers.

Xiao Lele smiled, "It's not my money. The handsome Mu Da bought it for you guys. Do you think it tastes better?"





The corner of Xiao Lele's mouth twitched, "What's your reaction?"

"There's something wrong! It's not the handsome guy Lu who bought it."

"Go out to dinner with handsome Mu Da alone."

"This restaurant is super expensive and the atmosphere is extremely romantic. Could it be that handsome Mu Da took this opportunity to propose to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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