After the rebirth I married my nemesis

Chapter 334 I Don't Want Her to Go to Jail

Chapter 334 I Don't Want Her to Go to Jail

Guilt flashed in the man's eyes, and he shook his head slightly, trying to defend himself, "She said that Shen Chuan fell down the stairs accidentally by herself...he was already dead in the hospital...he was already dead, this is just the first time Accident……"

As long as he changes the death report, he can leave the hard-working, low-wage public hospital, open his own private clinic, and be his own boss.

"You believed her when she said it was an accident?" Shen Suixin said, her voice almost squeezed out of her larynx, every word filled with rage, "Are you a judge or a policeman? Why do you believe it so easily?" Her words judge my father's death as a heart attack!"

"I...I..." The man pursed his dry lips, but was speechless.

"In the final analysis, it's because you are greedy for money. In order to satisfy your greed, you made my father's death unexplainable, and the murderer is still at large!" Shen Suixin said through gritted teeth.

"I was wrong...I don't dare anymore, I don't dare again...I will return the money to her, and I will go to the police station to surrender...I will report her...Please let me go!" the man pleaded bitterly .

"But I don't want her to go to jail." Shen Suixin smiled lightly, the smile didn't reach his eyes.

If Zhang Zhishan really killed her father, how could she have let that woman go to jail so easily.

With Zhang Zhishan's character, even if she is found guilty, she will try her best to commute her sentence early; another possibility is to go to prison for manslaughter, in which case she will be released within ten years, which is not a big deal for Zhang Zhishan. Without any influence, she can still live freely.

She didn't want to see Zhang Zhishan live a relaxed and happy life, not even for a day.

"You...what do you want to do?" Panic and fear appeared in the man's eyes, and his glasses were soaked with tears, "I beg you to let me go...I don't dare, I really don't dare again."

Shen Suixin looked at him with cold eyes and remained silent.

Afraid that her heart would soften, Lu Ang said, "Miss Shen, this guy once sexually assaulted a female nurse in the hospital, and even claimed that it was the female nurse who seduced him, which caused the female nurse's reputation to be discredited. Her boyfriend broke up with her and was punished. People around me pointed and pointed, and finally committed suicide by jumping off the building because of depression."

Such a shameless person who has no moral bottom line can't be let go at all, otherwise, when he gets out of this door, I don't know how he will bite them back.

"'s not like that..." The man kept shaking his head, trying to argue.

The duty of a doctor should be to save lives and heal the wounded, but there are always some beasts in human skin to defile this sacred and serious profession.

Probably because she studied criminal psychology, she has always disapproved of Lu Shiyu's lynching, but she also knows that in this world full of temptations and crimes, the law restricts only kind people and cannot eliminate every crime. .

Especially for Shen Chuan's death, Zhang Zhishan could buy a doctor to falsify the death report as long as he spent money. Even if the police intervened in the first place, I'm afraid Zhang Zhishan would try his best to settle the matter.

For some, she doesn't even deserve legal justice.

Shen Suixin's hands hanging by his sides were tightly pinched like palms, and he turned his back to Lu Ang, and said slowly, "You can deal with it as you want."

Once this person is released, it's a trivial matter to bite her back, but it's troublesome to bite Lu Shiyu out.

She not only had to think about herself, but also the consequences for Lu Shiyu.

 Good morning, are you all on vacation?However, I'm still saving the manuscript for the Chinese New Year, please leave a message and give me a hug o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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