Chapter 1133 Tat for Tat

Therefore, Ah Man knew that the only way to solve this problem in them was to die himself.

She was holding a knife, looking at the village and thinking of all the things she had with Dameng, she stabbed the knife into her heart without hesitation.

She seemed relieved.

She only hoped that Dameng could look like a normal person in the future life, and no longer have to hide in that uninhabited island.

Never turn into the Animal People logo again.

Be normal forever.

I hope that someone will show up in the future, together with Dameng.

I hope Dameng can be happy, even if she is forgotten.

I hope Dameng will never remember that there is such a person as her, who appeared in his world, and that the two of them once fell in love.


Dameng feels that things have happened very strange recently because every time the full moon comes, the traces of the animal man on his body will be revealed, but this time on the full moon, he has already prepared his own animal and human will. He was prepared to show it, so he hid at home and couldn't come out, but a whole day passed, and he didn't show it. He also felt strange about the traces of the animal man, why did it happen?

Could it be that he got the calendar wrong?However, after looking at the sky outside, it is indeed a full moon day, and the moon is very round tonight, and there is nothing wrong with him. Just when he was puzzled, he received a call from a remote uninhabited island. .

It was his parents on the uninhabited island who called him: "Da Meng, do you know? The full moon is coming today, but the people on the uninhabited island haven't shown it. Traces, the village chief said just now that we are fine, that is, all the animal traces on us have disappeared. If there is still no trace next time, we can leave this uninhabited island and live a normal life. We can be together as a family.”

Dameng didn't expect such a surprise when he received the call, "Did the village chief say why we returned to normal?"

"The village chief didn't say it, but isn't there a wizard on our island? The wizard guessed that it was because the destiny has been reversed, and revenge has been avenged. The descendants who caused us to become like this are already dead. It’s all over, so we returned to normal. What I said was absurd, and I didn’t understand it, it must be said that because the descendants who poisoned us before did not exist in this world, so we will be fine.”

Although Dameng thought it was strange, but after thinking about it later, there seemed to be nothing wrong, so he didn't continue to think about it.

But the strange thing is that when he was dreaming tonight, he dreamed of a very beautiful thing, that is, he fell in love with a girl, and later even had a child, but in the end, the girl and himself were killed by the villagers of the uninhabited island. Set fire to death.

It looked like a beautiful dream of falling in love, but it turned into a nightmare in the end. He was so scared that he sat up from the dream and gasped for breath. When he realized it, he thought of the girl he was dreaming of. Some are familiar to the point of deja vu, as if they have seen it somewhere before.

In the end, he discovered that the girl was the face of the person who had claimed to be his wife in the company building before, and it was indeed exactly the same as the face of his wife in his dream.

Not knowing if he saw a ghost or if this kind of thing really happened, he was so scared that he was out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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